Call for EuroClio Board Members Lauriane Borsaline Rotté2025-02-03T12:24:09+01:00February 3, 2025|Categories: Association, EUROCLIO, Featured, Featured News, Opportunities|Tags: 31st Annual Conference, Board Candidacy|
histoCON 2025 Elli Clerides2025-01-27T11:48:10+01:00January 27, 2025|Categories: EUROCLIO, Featured, Featured News, Opportunities|
International Day of Education 2025 Lauriane Borsaline Rotté2025-01-21T11:57:00+01:00January 21, 2025|Categories: EUROCLIO, Featured, Featured News, Opportunities, Partners|
Liberation Route Europe – “Active Remembrance Youth Program” Lauriane Borsaline Rotté2025-01-16T11:14:47+01:00January 16, 2025|Categories: Featured, Featured News, Opportunities|Tags: liberation route europe, Youth and Education, Youth exchange|
Call for Research Fellows Lauriane Borsaline Rotté2025-01-13T10:58:01+01:00January 13, 2025|Categories: Featured, Featured News, Opportunities|Tags: Call for research, research fellows|
Call for authors: Korean War Legacy Andreas Holtberget2025-01-12T17:47:28+01:00January 10, 2025|Categories: Featured, Featured News, Opportunities|Tags: Call for authors, Korean War, Korean War Legacy Foundation|
New podcast series: Winds of Change with Joke van der Leeuw-Roord! Andreas Holtberget2024-12-18T16:32:37+01:00December 18, 2024|Categories: Association, EUROCLIO, Featured, Featured News|Tags: Podcast, Winds of Change|
Seeking Justice Youth Workshops – November and December 2024 Elli Clerides2024-12-17T10:42:11+01:00December 17, 2024|Categories: Articles, Association, EUROCLIO, Featured, Project Updates, Report|Tags: From Nuremberg to The Hague, international criminal court, justice, Seeking Justice, Student workshop|
Inclusive Education in Action – Takeaways from the SENSEI Conference Elli Clerides2024-12-17T12:20:19+01:00December 3, 2024|Categories: Articles, Featured, Featured News, Report|Tags: Conference, Inclusive Education, Serbia, Workshops|
Call for Tenders: Gender Equality Policy Advice | Deadline: 29 November 2024 Ivan Milovanov2024-12-17T12:30:14+01:00November 22, 2024|Categories: Association, Featured, Featured News, Opportunities|Tags: Tender|
Beware! Phishing attempts Andreas Holtberget2024-11-19T18:04:34+01:00November 19, 2024|Categories: Association, EUROCLIO, Featured, Featured News|Tags: Fraud, Phishing|
EuroClio Traineeship Programme Spring 2025 Ivan Milovanov2024-11-13T16:02:14+01:00November 13, 2024|Categories: Association, EUROCLIO, Featured|Tags: Traineeship|
Book Review: “Eurowhiteness: Culture, Empire and Race in the European Project” Lauriane Borsaline Rotté2024-10-16T14:55:50+02:00October 16, 2024|Categories: Articles, Featured, Reviews|Tags: Book Review, Europe, European Union, Identity|
Call for piloting and reviewing – Monument(al) Challenges Toolkit Lauriane Borsaline Rotté2024-10-22T12:28:51+02:00October 15, 2024|Categories: Association, EUROCLIO, Featured, Featured News, Opportunities|
Robbert-Jan Adriaansen appointed EuroClio Chair of Historical Culture in Transition at Ghent University – an interview Zarah Drummond2024-10-10T17:01:28+02:00September 12, 2024|Categories: Articles, Featured, Report|Tags: euroclio chair, History teaching, University of Ghent|
Digital Modules of Wroclaw – Making Visegrad Histories Digital Erasmus + Project Meeting Andreas Haraldstad2024-08-22T16:40:59+02:00July 24, 2024|Categories: Featured, Project Updates, Uncategorized|Tags: EuroClio, Project Meeting, visegrad region, wroclaw|
Seeking Justice From Nuremberg to The Hague – Online Seminars Giorgia Busato2024-09-06T10:22:11+02:00July 24, 2024|Categories: Featured, Opportunities|Tags: Seeking Justice|
The Graphic Novel as Testimony. An Interview with Barbara Yelin and Charlotte Schallié Giorgia Busato2024-09-06T10:21:51+02:00July 8, 2024|Categories: Articles, Featured|Tags: Graphic novels, Second World War, WWII|
Staying in Dialogue During War: The School for Peace in Israel/Palestine Laura Fernández-Pampillón Enguix2024-06-26T15:18:32+02:00June 26, 2024|Categories: Articles, Featured|Tags: article, israel, School, Teaching|
Project Coordinator for the History in Exile project in Finland Laura Fernández-Pampillón Enguix2024-06-25T14:44:46+02:00June 25, 2024|Categories: Featured, Opportunities|Tags: job, job opportnity|
Facts not Fiction Call for Team Members – International Teacher Seminar Laura Fernández-Pampillón Enguix2024-06-25T12:16:45+02:00June 25, 2024|Categories: Featured, Opportunities|Tags: Facts not Fiction, International Seminar, teachers|
Job opportunity: Business Development Coordinator Education at Europeana Andreas Holtberget2024-06-21T14:25:23+02:00June 21, 2024|Categories: Featured, Opportunities|
Antoon De Baets – A New Human Rights-Based Theory of Historians’ Responsibilities (in a Nutshell) Giorgia Busato2024-09-06T10:22:24+02:00June 19, 2024|Categories: Articles, Featured, Uncategorized|Tags: Human Rights|
EuroClio Board Member joins OHTE Scientific Advisory Council Zarah Drummond2024-06-18T16:34:00+02:00June 18, 2024|Categories: Featured|
“Who Were the Victims of the National Socialists?” Updates: Workshop in Jasenovac, Croatia Giorgia Busato2024-09-06T10:22:50+02:00June 17, 2024|Categories: Featured, Project Updates, Uncategorized|Tags: EVZ, who were the victims of the national socialists|
Call for participation of history students in the OHTE Annual Conference #LearnersFirst Andreas Haraldstad2024-06-14T10:55:07+02:00June 14, 2024|Categories: Featured, Opportunities|Tags: Call for Applications, History students, OHTE, opportunity|
Contested history and identity struggles in India Andreas Haraldstad2024-06-10T16:03:20+02:00June 10, 2024|Categories: Articles, Featured|
SENSEI Conference – Call for Participants and Workshop Hosts Giorgia Busato2024-07-24T12:30:26+02:00June 7, 2024|Categories: Featured, Opportunities|
Jasenovac Researchers Workshop Laura Fernández-Pampillón Enguix2024-06-05T09:56:32+02:00June 5, 2024|Categories: Featured, Opportunities|Tags: Jasenovac, Remembrance, Research Workshop|
Changing Democracies: Launch Event in Antwerp Report Giorgia Busato2024-05-31T17:42:53+02:00May 31, 2024|Categories: Featured, Report|
Interview with Monika Lendermann – from EuroClio traineeship to Council of Europe Giorgia Busato2024-05-31T09:29:54+02:00May 30, 2024|Categories: Featured, Opportunities|
5th Annual World Congress of Teachers of the Korean War Laura Fernández-Pampillón Enguix2024-05-28T16:23:55+02:00May 28, 2024|Categories: Featured, Opportunities|
Reflections from Belgrade workshop on teaching contested histories Emma Abbate2024-05-24T15:54:49+02:00May 24, 2024|Categories: Association, EUROCLIO, Featured, Project Updates|Tags: Belgrade, Contested Histories, MONCHAL, Monument(al) Challenges, Serbia|
Civil Society Forum invitation to 2024 Europe Lab: Call for Participants Zarah Drummond2024-05-23T15:55:42+02:00May 23, 2024|Categories: Featured, Opportunities|
Teacher’s Feedback Needed for Thematic Report on Economic Crises in History Education – Deadline: 3 June 2024 Laura Fernández-Pampillón Enguix2024-05-22T14:52:26+02:00May 22, 2024|Categories: Featured, Opportunities|Tags: Council of Europe, Survey|
History teacher seminar in Sri Lanka Andreas Holtberget2024-05-13T14:11:30+02:00May 13, 2024|Categories: Articles, Association, EUROCLIO, Featured|Tags: GIZ, Histories that Connect - Sri Lanka, Sri Lanka|
30th Annual Conference: 5 Main Takeaways Giorgia Busato2024-05-08T18:15:49+02:00May 8, 2024|Categories: Articles, Featured|
Archivist Expert Training Call – Facts not Fiction Laura Fernández-Pampillón Enguix2024-05-22T13:15:01+02:00May 8, 2024|Categories: Featured, Opportunities|Tags: archivists, Facts not Fiction, Opportunities, Workshop|
The role of education in the survival of regional languages: Adaptations and challenges of teaching in Basque Laura Fernández-Pampillón Enguix2024-05-06T10:50:33+02:00May 6, 2024|Categories: Articles, Featured|Tags: Basque, education, History teaching|
Call for Applications – ENRS’ free summer school In Between? 2024 Andreas Haraldstad2024-04-18T17:03:44+02:00April 18, 2024|Categories: Featured, Opportunities|Tags: Audio Production, Border Regions, Call for Applications, European Network Remembrance and Solidarity, Oral History, Summer School, Testimonies|
Queering Historical Spaces: A Review of the House of Vineyard x The Willet-Holthuysen Museum Exhibition Zarah Drummond2025-02-06T17:35:23+01:00March 15, 2024|Categories: Featured, Reviews|
HEIRNET 2024 STIRLING CONFERENCE Giorgia Busato2024-03-11T13:19:31+01:00March 11, 2024|Categories: Featured, Opportunities|
War on Education premier happened! Laura Fernández-Pampillón Enguix2024-03-19T09:45:41+01:00February 28, 2024|Categories: Association, EUROCLIO, Featured, Uncategorized|Tags: teachers, Ukraine, war on education|
Bridging the Past and Future: The Impact of AI on History Education – A Journey into AI-Enhanced History Teaching. Andreas Haraldstad2024-02-23T11:25:12+01:00February 23, 2024|Categories: Articles, Featured|Tags: Artificial intelligence, Classrooms, History education|
Call for Practices on Inclusive Education – SENSEI Giorgia Busato2024-02-16T16:13:05+01:00February 16, 2024|Categories: Featured, Opportunities|
Call for Papers -MSA Nordic Confernce 2024 “The art of Conviviality” Andreas Haraldstad2024-02-09T14:19:47+01:00February 9, 2024|Categories: Featured, Opportunities|Tags: Call for Papers, Conference, Malmö, memory, Memory Studies Assocation|
“War on Education” Documentary Release and Campaign Mahdalina Rozhniatovska2024-03-19T09:43:19+01:00February 8, 2024|Categories: Articles, Association, EUROCLIO, Featured, Partners|Tags: Documentary, Education in Ukraine, War in Ukraine|
Call for EuroClio Board Members Candidates Andreas Holtberget2024-02-01T16:41:48+01:00February 1, 2024|Categories: Association, EUROCLIO, Featured, Opportunities|Tags: Call for board members|
Call for Expression of Interest for membership of the Scientific Advisory Council Mahdalina Rozhniatovska2024-02-01T15:57:57+01:00February 1, 2024|Categories: Association, EUROCLIO, Featured, Opportunities, Partners|Tags: Call for Applications, OHTE|
Call for Workshop Hosts: Monument(al) Challenges International Workshop Anastasia Georgantzopoulou2024-05-24T15:54:08+02:00January 31, 2024|Categories: Featured, Opportunities|Tags: Belgrade, MONCHAL, Monument(al) Challenges, Opportunities, Workshop|
Call for Team Members: Monument(al) Challenges International Workshop Anastasia Georgantzopoulou2024-05-24T15:54:15+02:00January 31, 2024|Categories: Featured, Opportunities|Tags: Belgrade, MONCHAL, Monument(al) Challenges, Opportunities, Workshop|
Networking Conference “Critical youth work?” Nadia Rezmires2024-01-26T12:48:50+01:00January 26, 2024|Categories: Featured, Opportunities|
Practical Pedagogies: Call for Workshop Proposals Giorgia Busato2024-01-25T12:29:42+01:00January 25, 2024|Categories: Featured, Opportunities|
Call for Papers ISHD Annual Conference October 2024: “History and Its Discontents: Theory and Practice, Stories from the Classroom” Andreas Holtberget2024-01-22T11:52:02+01:00January 22, 2024|Categories: Featured, Opportunities|Tags: Call for Papers, ISHD|
Erasmus+ Call 2024 Giorgia Busato2024-01-18T13:37:21+01:00January 18, 2024|Categories: Featured, Opportunities|
Empowering Learners in an Inclusive Classroom Mahdalina Rozhniatovska2024-01-15T11:59:10+01:00January 15, 2024|Categories: Association, EUROCLIO, Featured, Opportunities|Tags: Brussels, Inclusive learning, Workshop|
EDUCATION, WAR & PEACE Mahdalina Rozhniatovska2024-01-11T15:45:16+01:00January 11, 2024|Categories: Association, EUROCLIO, Featured, Opportunities, Partners|
Civic Innovation Fund Call 2024 Giorgia Busato2024-01-11T13:57:36+01:00January 11, 2024|Categories: Featured, Opportunities|
EuroClio Secretariat is closed for winter holidays ❄️🎁 Mahdalina Rozhniatovska2023-12-21T16:33:57+01:00December 21, 2023|Categories: Association, EUROCLIO, Featured|Tags: EUROCLIO Secretariat, holidays, Secretariat, winter|
New Project Manager at the Secretariat! Giorgia Busato2023-12-15T16:38:58+01:00December 13, 2023|Categories: Featured|
Engaging Educators to Use Online Tools: Online Self-Paced Course, February 19 @4.30pm – April 15 @6.30 pm Giorgia Busato2024-02-19T16:21:15+01:00December 8, 2023|Categories: Featured, Opportunities|Tags: Professional Development|
Regional Cooperation Event in Bucharest – Journal of European Memory Giorgia Busato2023-12-08T16:26:36+01:00December 8, 2023|Categories: Articles, Featured|
“Four Parallel Angles Behind the Iron Curtain:” Budapest Academy, Article by Richard Fodor Richard Fodor2023-12-12T14:25:20+01:00December 6, 2023|Categories: Articles, Featured|
Pan-European Gathering of History Teachers Report, November 2023 Giorgia Busato2023-12-01T16:39:01+01:00December 1, 2023|Categories: Articles, Featured|
Teaching for Sustainable Futures, a free online professional development programme for teachers by UCL Andreas Holtberget2023-11-30T13:16:14+01:00November 30, 2023|Categories: Featured, Opportunities|Tags: Climate change, Environment, Professional Development, UCL|
Book Review: “The History of a Small Town in Ukraine” Tamara Eidelman2024-10-16T13:24:31+02:00November 27, 2023|Categories: Featured, Reviews|Tags: Book Review, Ukraine, WWII|
How can a high school empower students with multicultural backgrounds? Mirela Redžić2023-11-23T14:09:07+01:00November 23, 2023|Categories: Association, EUROCLIO, Featured|Tags: Denmark, multicultural background, School|
“Teaching History, teaching peace?” – Registrations open for OHTE Annual Conference 2023 Giorgia Busato2023-11-20T16:29:30+01:00November 20, 2023|Categories: Featured, Opportunities|
A conversation with Lidija Županić Šuica on teaching contested histories in Serbia Anastasia Georgantzopoulou2024-05-24T15:54:35+02:00November 20, 2023|Categories: Articles, Featured|Tags: Contested, MONCHAL, Monument(al) Challenges, Serbia|
Book Review: “A Village in the Third Reich: How Ordinary Lives Were Transformed by the Rise of Fascism” Joke Van der Leeuw-Roord2024-10-16T13:24:24+02:00November 17, 2023|Categories: Featured, Reviews|Tags: Book Review, Germany, WWII|
EuroClio documentary ‘Books not Bombs’ wins award Andreas Holtberget2023-11-15T19:21:12+01:00November 15, 2023|Categories: Association, EUROCLIO, Featured|Tags: Books not bombs, Ukraine|
Open Position: Finance & Compliance Officer Mahdalina Rozhniatovska2023-11-15T18:19:54+01:00November 15, 2023|Categories: Association, EUROCLIO, Featured, Opportunities|Tags: finance and compliance officer, vacancy|
Opportunity: local.history Funding Program by the EVZ Foundation Anastasia Georgantzopoulou2023-11-03T16:55:48+01:00November 3, 2023|Categories: Featured, Opportunities|
Fostering Global Perspectives in History Education: The Estonian History Teacher’s Association Summer School Kätlin Jürna2023-10-31T15:53:21+01:00October 31, 2023|Categories: Association, EUROCLIO, Featured|Tags: Baltic, Estonia, members|
Practitioner’s Guide for AV Collection Holders Nadia Rezmires2023-10-27T12:55:06+02:00October 27, 2023|Categories: EUROCLIO, Featured|Tags: AVCollectionHolders, Practitioner's guide, Watching Videos Like a Historian|
RAN call for participants: Explorative meeting on dealing with problematic developments of the extreme left Andreas Holtberget2023-10-26T17:47:25+02:00October 26, 2023|Categories: Featured, Opportunities|Tags: Radicalisation, Radicalisation Awareness Network, RAN|
Call for volunteers: Translation of 18th century Dutch records Andreas Holtberget2023-10-26T16:36:41+02:00October 26, 2023|Categories: Association, EUROCLIO, Featured|Tags: Sri Lanka, Translations, Volunteers|
CALL FOR PROJECTS FOR THE EUROPEAN INNOVATION DAYS IN HISTORY EDUCATION 2024 Mahdalina Rozhniatovska2023-10-17T15:00:56+02:00October 17, 2023|Categories: Association, EUROCLIO, Featured, Opportunities|Tags: call for projects, HISTOLAB|
Call for Applications: Budapest Academy Nadia Rezmires2023-11-17T17:19:52+01:00October 17, 2023|Categories: Featured, Opportunities|Tags: International Opportunity, Professional Development, socialism, teacher training, visegrad region|
Call For Research Fellows Giorgia Busato2023-10-20T12:48:08+02:00October 16, 2023|Categories: Association, EUROCLIO, Featured, Opportunities|Tags: Call for research|
Survey on teaching contested histories Andreas Holtberget2023-10-06T11:10:09+02:00October 6, 2023|Categories: Association, EUROCLIO, Featured|Tags: Contested Histories, MONCHAL, Survey|
EuroClio Traineeship Programme: Applications are open! Mahdalina Rozhniatovska2023-10-20T12:48:32+02:00October 5, 2023|Categories: Association, EUROCLIO, Featured, Opportunities|Tags: Traineeship, vacancy|
4 highlights from “Seeking Justice” student workshop in September 2023 Anastasia Georgantzopoulou2023-10-20T15:47:30+02:00October 4, 2023|Categories: Association, EUROCLIO, Featured|Tags: Education and Transitional Justice, From Nuremberg to The Hague, ICTY, IRMCT, MICT, Seeking Justice|
Book Review: “Beyond the Wall: East Germany, 1949-1990” Joke Van der Leeuw-Roord2024-10-16T13:24:10+02:00October 3, 2023|Categories: Featured, Reviews|Tags: Cold War, GDR, German unification, Germany|
Call for Authors for the development of Teaching Strategies on the history of Roma and Traveller communities Giorgia Busato2023-10-03T17:31:53+02:00October 2, 2023|Categories: Association, EUROCLIO, Featured, Opportunities|Tags: Call for authors, Council of Europe, Roma|
Call for translations Nadia Rezmires2023-10-04T17:22:04+02:00September 27, 2023|Categories: Featured, Opportunities|Tags: Europeana, Historiana - Your Portal to the Past, Translations|
Pan-European Gathering of History Teachers Mahdalina Rozhniatovska2023-09-26T17:57:52+02:00September 25, 2023|Categories: Association, EUROCLIO, Featured, Opportunities|
Opportunity: Call for Proposals Mahdalina Rozhniatovska2023-09-13T17:48:03+02:00September 13, 2023|Categories: Featured, Opportunities|Tags: Georg Eckert Research Award, opportunity, Proposal|
Opportunity: New course “Remembering the Past?” Mahdalina Rozhniatovska2023-09-11T15:23:47+02:00September 11, 2023|Categories: Featured, Opportunities|Tags: Harvard, Out of Eden, Training course|
Vacancy: Professional Development Coordinator / Project Manager EuroClio2023-09-11T16:43:27+02:00September 11, 2023|Categories: Association, EUROCLIO, Featured, Opportunities|Tags: vacancy|
On Critical History – a conversation with Dr. Mare Oja Andreas Holtberget2023-09-07T15:55:13+02:00September 7, 2023|Categories: Association, EUROCLIO, Featured|Tags: Critical history, Heritage education|
Empowering Teachers and Students: Reflections on the Innovation Station Workshop Emma Abbate2023-09-05T16:40:26+02:00September 5, 2023|Categories: Association, EUROCLIO, Featured|Tags: Innovation Station|
On teaching global history, an interview with Susanne Popp Adam Dargiewicz2023-08-30T14:45:25+02:00August 29, 2023|Categories: Articles, Featured|Tags: Critical history, Global perspectives, Susanne Popp|
EuroClio Has Moved Offices Haley Forgacs2023-07-18T11:59:08+02:00July 18, 2023|Categories: Association, EUROCLIO, Featured|
EuroClio Regranting Scheme EuroClio2023-07-13T13:12:03+02:00July 13, 2023|Categories: Association, EUROCLIO, Featured|Tags: Evens Foundation, Regranting|
Revisiting the European past: “Long live Freedom, Long live Equality, Long live Fraternity!” Sketches and memories of a democratic vision Ricardo Fernando Gomes Pinto e Chaves2024-09-11T15:07:24+02:00June 27, 2023|Categories: Featured, Reviews|Tags: House of European History|
Media Literacy, Audio-Visual Resources and History Education: An Interview with Centrum Cyfrowe Monika Lendermann2023-06-23T08:52:54+02:00June 23, 2023|Categories: Articles, EUROCLIO, Featured, Project Updates|
Guide for history teachers on using ICTY archive launched in Sarajevo Andreas Holtberget2023-06-22T16:43:14+02:00June 22, 2023|Categories: Association, EUROCLIO, Featured|Tags: Bosnia-Herzegovina, Former Yugoslavia, IRMCT, MICT, Sarajevo, United Nations Residual Mechanism for Criminal Tribunals, Yugoslav wars|
Project Update: Team Denmark Reflects on “Who Were the Victims of the National Socialists?” Mirela Redžić2023-06-16T18:28:30+02:00June 15, 2023|Categories: EUROCLIO, Featured, Project Updates|Tags: 29th EUROCLIO Annual Conference, Denmark, EVZ, EVZ Foundation, evz-vns, Holocaust, toolkit, Vilnius, who were the victims of the national socialists|
Deadline Extension – Call for Papers: Children as Peacemakers in Divided Societies: Challenging Dominant Narratives through History Education Haley Forgacs2023-06-13T12:13:46+02:00June 13, 2023|Categories: Featured, Opportunities|Tags: Bosnia-Herzegovina, Children as peacemakers, IAIE|
Call for Papers: 13th Genealogies of Memory 2023: Pandemics, Famines and Industrial Disasters of the 20th and 21st Centuries Adam Dargiewicz2023-06-01T12:10:58+02:00June 1, 2023|Categories: Featured, Opportunities|Tags: Call for Papers, Conference, European Network Remembrance and Solidarity|
MOOC Audio for Students on Self-Directed Learning Jodie van `t Hoff2023-05-17T12:13:20+02:00May 17, 2023|Categories: Association, EUROCLIO, Featured, Project Updates|Tags: Audio, InnovationStation, MOOC, Self-directed learning, students|
29th Annual Conference: Key Takeaways Adam Dargiewicz2023-05-03T17:24:28+02:00May 3, 2023|Categories: Articles, Association, EUROCLIO, Featured|
Call for Applications: Pan-European Gathering Grant Adam Dargiewicz2023-04-28T15:57:43+02:00April 28, 2023|Categories: Association, EUROCLIO, Featured, Opportunities|Tags: Call for Applications, Regranting|
Call for Applications: Regional Cooperation Grants Adam Dargiewicz2023-04-28T15:58:59+02:00April 28, 2023|Categories: Association, EUROCLIO, Featured, Opportunities|Tags: Call for Applications, Regranting|
International Student Workshop in Vilnius (April 2023) “Who Were the Victims of the National Socialists?” Monika Lendermann2023-04-28T13:16:39+02:00April 28, 2023|Categories: EUROCLIO, Featured, Project Updates|Tags: 29th EUROCLIO Annual Conference, EVZ, EVZ Foundation, evz-vns, Student workshop, Vilnius, who were the victims of the national socialists, Workshop|
Teaching justice and human rights Emma Abbate2023-04-26T16:51:36+02:00April 26, 2023|Categories: Association, EUROCLIO, Featured|Tags: Seeking Justice|
“Who Were the Victims of the National Socialists?” Peer-to-Peer Student Video Tutorials Monika Lendermann2023-06-30T15:00:39+02:00April 14, 2023|Categories: Association, EUROCLIO, Featured, Project Updates|Tags: EVZ, EVZ Foundation, evz-vns, who were the victims of the national socialists|
Mapping civic education in Europe EuroClio2023-04-13T17:35:36+02:00April 13, 2023|Categories: EUROCLIO, Featured|Tags: Civics education, Mapping tool|
Join the Innovation Station Teacher Training! Jodie van `t Hoff2023-06-06T12:15:43+02:00April 6, 2023|Categories: Featured, Opportunities, Uncategorized|Tags: blended and online teaching, teacher training|
Second Belgrade History Teaching Symposium Lidija Zupanic2023-04-04T14:49:51+02:00April 4, 2023|Categories: Association, EUROCLIO, Featured|Tags: Belgrade, History Education and Conflict Transformation, Peace and Reconciliation|
Regranting Announcement: Regional Cooperation Adam Dargiewicz2023-03-30T15:25:08+02:00March 30, 2023|Categories: Association, EUROCLIO, Featured, Opportunities|
History Education in the Digital Age: Five Key Takeaways from the Second Forum on History Education of the Council of Europe Anjeza Llulla2023-03-30T18:00:07+02:00March 30, 2023|Categories: Association, EUROCLIO, Featured|Tags: Conference, Council of Europe, Digital Learning, History education|
In Memoriam: Harald Frode Skram (1945-2023) Joke Van der Leeuw-Roord2023-03-29T17:40:39+02:00March 29, 2023|Categories: Association, Featured|Tags: Harald Frode Skram, In Memoriam, Norway|
Changes of history and civics curriculum and textbooks in Russia in the context of the war in Ukraine Ilia Liapin2023-03-29T10:53:13+02:00March 28, 2023|Categories: Articles, Featured|Tags: Russia, Ukraine|
The textbook “Ukraine and the world: introduction to history and civic education” has been granted government approval Adam Dargiewicz2023-03-27T16:02:56+02:00March 27, 2023|Categories: Association, EUROCLIO, Featured, Project Updates|
The Indonesian War of Independence in the Classroom Tina van der Vlies2023-03-29T17:43:25+02:00March 7, 2023|Categories: Articles, EUROCLIO, Featured|Tags: Colonialism, Indonesia, Netherlands|
“Millennial History” Podcast. A Review. Adam Dargiewicz2023-03-03T14:33:26+01:00March 3, 2023|Categories: Featured, Reviews|Tags: Millennial history, Podcast, Podcast review|
EuroClio Traineeship Programme – Open Call for Applicants Adam Dargiewicz2023-08-14T09:45:13+02:00February 28, 2023|Categories: Association, EUROCLIO, Featured, Opportunities|
Call for EuroClio Board Members Candidates Alice Modena2023-02-27T15:48:33+01:00February 27, 2023|Categories: Association, EUROCLIO, Featured, Opportunities|Tags: Call for board members|
Make history a final exam subject for all students EuroClio2023-02-17T14:47:18+01:00February 17, 2023|Categories: Association, Featured|Tags: Netherlands, Open letter|
Watching Videos Like a Historian: State of the Field Report on Media Literacy Supported by AV Collections Adam Dargiewicz2023-05-30T09:45:08+02:00February 14, 2023|Categories: Association, EUROCLIO, Featured, Project Updates|Tags: Watchlikeahist|
Seminar on historical thinking concepts in Sri Lanka Andreas Holtberget2023-03-03T12:28:25+01:00February 1, 2023|Categories: Association, Featured|Tags: CHDM, GIZ, Histories that Connect - Sri Lanka, Sri Lanka|
Help us pilot teaching practices Andreas Holtberget2023-01-31T14:52:52+01:00January 20, 2023|Categories: Association, Featured|Tags: Critical history, Teaching practice|
Call for Experts for the project “Football Makes History II” Alice Modena2023-02-08T16:12:21+01:00January 20, 2023|Categories: Association, Featured, Opportunities|Tags: Call for authors, Football Makes History|
Call for papers ‘The Anthropocene and History Education’ Andreas Holtberget2023-01-16T17:58:28+01:00January 16, 2023|Categories: Featured, Opportunities|Tags: Anthropocene, Call for Papers, ISHD|
ISHD Conference & Call for papers on Heritage in History Education Andreas Holtberget2023-01-16T17:48:32+01:00January 16, 2023|Categories: Featured, Opportunities|Tags: ISHD, Tallinn University|
Contested Histories OnSite: Virtual Tours & Lectures Monika Lendermann2023-01-16T12:01:36+01:00December 22, 2022|Categories: Association, EUROCLIO, Featured|
Call for ideas and projects for the European Innovation Days in History Education Adam Dargiewicz2022-12-12T16:10:49+01:00December 12, 2022|Categories: Featured, Opportunities|Tags: Call for Applications, HISTOLAB, Innovation Days in History Education|
“Who Were the Victims of the National Socialists?” Interview with Matej Beláček (Team Slovakia) Evangeline Procopoudis2022-12-23T15:51:55+01:00December 2, 2022|Categories: Association, EUROCLIO, Featured|Tags: EVZ, EVZ Foundation, evz-vns, interview, Teacher interview, who were the victims of the national socialists|
Report from The Idea of Democracy Conference in Kolkata, August 2022 Juraj Varga2022-12-01T15:42:33+01:00December 1, 2022|Categories: Association, EUROCLIO, Featured, Report|Tags: Conference report, History for peace, India, Seagull|
“Who Were the Victims of the National Socialists?” Interview with Tatjana Jurić (Team Bosnia and Herzegovina) Evangeline Procopoudis2022-12-23T15:52:16+01:00November 25, 2022|Categories: Association, EUROCLIO, Featured|Tags: EVZ, EVZ Foundation, evz-vns, interview, Teacher interview, who were the victims of the national socialists|
Ukrainian history textbooks for refugee students Andreas Holtberget2022-11-18T15:34:44+01:00November 18, 2022|Categories: EUROCLIO, Featured|Tags: History Textbooks, Ukraine|
“Who Were the Victims of the National Socialists?” Interview with Lars Amdisen Bossen (Team Denmark) Evangeline Procopoudis2022-12-23T15:52:25+01:00November 18, 2022|Categories: Association, EUROCLIO, Featured|Tags: EVZ, EVZ Foundation, evz-vns, interview, Teacher interview, who were the victims of the national socialists|
Call for Authors of Teacher’s Guidelines: Innovation Station Jodie van `t Hoff2022-11-16T17:01:59+01:00November 16, 2022|Categories: Featured, Opportunities, Uncategorized|Tags: Call for authors, Guidelines, Innovation Station, Online and blended learning|
Recruiting for Young Professional Programme 2023 Andreas Holtberget2022-11-10T12:23:03+01:00November 10, 2022|Categories: EUROCLIO, Featured|Tags: Traineeship, vacancy, Young Professionals Programme, YPP|
Project Update: Who Were the Victims of the National Socialists? Second In-Person Meeting in Mechelen, Belgium (23-24 September 2022) Monika Lendermann2022-12-23T15:52:36+01:00October 28, 2022|Categories: Association, EUROCLIO, Featured|Tags: EVZ, EVZ Foundation, evz-vns, who were the victims of the national socialists|
In Memoriam: Peter Seixas (1947-2022) Maria Grever2022-10-21T12:41:36+02:00October 21, 2022|Categories: Association, EUROCLIO, Featured|
Call to Action: Help us pilot eight brand new eLearning Activities Adam Dargiewicz2022-10-20T15:26:53+02:00October 20, 2022|Categories: Association, EUROCLIO, Featured, Opportunities|Tags: Call to action, Online learning, Piloting|
Teacher’s and educator’s perspective on digital resources: the report by Open GLAM & education Adam Dargiewicz2022-10-06T14:01:30+02:00October 6, 2022|Categories: Association, EUROCLIO, Featured|Tags: Digital Heritage, Digital Tools, Report|
Remembering the past, but thinking about the future: Impressions of the war from a Ukrainian history teacher EU Russia Civil Society Forum2022-10-06T10:31:25+02:00October 4, 2022|Categories: Articles, Featured|Tags: Teacher interview, Ukraine|
Centenary of the Irish Civil War: a case-study for Europe Andreas Holtberget2022-09-29T12:32:41+02:00September 29, 2022|Categories: Featured, Opportunities|Tags: CoE, OHTE|
Video-testimonies in Education – Introduction to the USC Shoah Foundation’s Global Educational Work Andrea Szonyi2022-09-16T14:55:56+02:00September 16, 2022|Categories: Articles, Featured|Tags: Collective Memory, Digital Tools, Genocide, Holocaust|
Where history and youth work meet: remembrance and memory in a non-formal setting Jonathan van Varik2022-09-13T12:29:15+02:00September 13, 2022|Categories: Articles, Featured|Tags: Netherlands, Non-formal education, Soviet cemetery, YMCA, Youth exchange|
Ukraine, a complex and difficult history Joke Van der Leeuw-Roord2022-09-05T12:34:13+02:00September 5, 2022|Categories: Featured, Reviews|Tags: Ukraine|
[Closed] CALL FOR TEACHERS & EDUCATION PRACTITIONERS: Innovation Station EuroClio2022-11-15T10:01:36+01:00August 26, 2022|Categories: Association, EUROCLIO, Featured, Opportunities|
Challenging Stereotypes and Preconceptions in History: How to recognize and dismantle them Emma Abbate2022-10-03T11:25:18+02:00August 24, 2022|Categories: Articles, Featured|
2022 Annual Report from the Network of Concerned Historians Andreas Holtberget2022-10-03T11:24:51+02:00August 23, 2022|Categories: Association, EUROCLIO, Featured|Tags: Censorship, Network of Concerned Historians|
Fighting for Freedom, 200 years since the Greek Revolution Andreas Holtberget2022-08-22T14:53:08+02:00August 22, 2022|Categories: Featured, Reviews|Tags: Book Review, Greece, Greek Revolution, Ottoman History|
The Art of Storytelling – How Hendrik van Doezum, candidate for History Teacher of the Year, uses video lessons to teach history Thùy Dung Pham2022-08-18T16:14:36+02:00August 18, 2022|Categories: Articles, EUROCLIO, Featured|
The European Experience: Europe’s Transnational Textbook is almost ready Mats Kooge2022-10-03T11:25:28+02:00July 21, 2022|Categories: Association, EUROCLIO, Featured|
Open Position: Trainee for Contested Histories Initiative EuroClio2022-07-19T16:59:03+02:00July 19, 2022|Categories: Featured, Opportunities|
History For Peace: Fundraising for Ukraine EuroClio2022-07-19T15:24:53+02:00July 19, 2022|Categories: EUROCLIO, Featured|
The Same Gift: Reflections on Visits to 3 Schools on the European Continent as a Visiting Teacher Ian Wolff2022-07-15T15:10:26+02:00July 15, 2022|Categories: Articles, EUROCLIO, Featured|
Sarajevo of Hope: Joint Effort of Balkan Teachers to Teach a History that is Not Yet History EuroClio2022-09-27T10:44:07+02:00July 12, 2022|Categories: EUROCLIO, Featured|
Evens Foundation 30th Anniversary Celebration at Bozar Evangeline Procopoudis2022-07-04T15:16:57+02:00July 4, 2022|Categories: Articles, EUROCLIO, Featured|
Teaching with Historical Newspapers in European Schools: A Collaboration with Delpher Newspaper Database and the Dutch Royal Library Mats Kooge2022-06-30T13:57:36+02:00June 29, 2022|Categories: Articles, EUROCLIO, Featured, Uncategorized|Tags: Europeana|
Project Update: EVZ-VNS Virtual Student Exchange Evangeline Procopoudis2022-09-27T10:41:54+02:00June 22, 2022|Categories: EUROCLIO, Featured, Project Updates|Tags: EVZ, EVZ Foundation|
Railways and Connectivity: Teaching Modern History From A New Angle Thùy Dung Pham2022-06-22T09:44:49+02:00June 22, 2022|Categories: Articles, Featured|
Book review: “A Queer History of the United States” Maayke De Vries2024-10-16T13:23:53+02:00June 15, 2022|Categories: Featured, Reviews|
Project Update: EVZ-VNS Local History Project Evangeline Procopoudis2022-06-15T14:16:23+02:00June 15, 2022|Categories: EUROCLIO, Featured, Partners, Project Updates|Tags: EVZ, EVZ Foundation|
The OHTE Alliance – Advocating for Research to Face the Challenges of History Teaching Today Mats Kooge2022-09-27T10:43:30+02:00June 7, 2022|Categories: EUROCLIO, Featured|
Representing Women During the First World War Stefania Gargioni2022-05-25T18:04:14+02:00May 25, 2022|Categories: Articles, Featured|
EuroClio’s Annual Conference 2022: Our Takeaways Rebecca Jackson2022-12-02T13:57:33+01:00May 24, 2022|Categories: EUROCLIO, Featured|
Paintings of Everyday Life: How Art can be used in History Lessons Thùy Dung Pham2022-05-04T13:52:20+02:00May 4, 2022|Categories: Articles, Featured|
Meet EuroClio Ambassador: Benny Christensen Rebecca Jackson2022-04-29T10:22:49+02:00April 29, 2022|Categories: Articles, EUROCLIO, Featured|
Europe Day #22: The Future is Now! EuroClio2022-07-19T17:00:50+02:00April 25, 2022|Categories: Featured, Opportunities|
Meet the Head of the Historiana Content-Team: Dr. Robert Stradling Rebecca Jackson2022-04-22T10:44:01+02:00April 22, 2022|Categories: Articles, EUROCLIO, Featured|
The Founding of a European Association EuroClio2022-04-15T14:16:15+02:00April 13, 2022|Categories: Articles, EUROCLIO, Featured|
The Office in the Attic: EuroClio at the turn of the Millennium Rebecca Jackson2022-04-08T16:05:58+02:00April 7, 2022|Categories: Articles, EUROCLIO, Featured|
Challenges of history teaching in Europe- international workshop – 10th – 11th March Belgrade Marko Šuica2022-03-29T14:48:57+02:00March 29, 2022|Categories: Association, EUROCLIO, Featured|Tags: EuroClio|
Stereotypes and Implicit Bias in Education Thùy Dung Pham2022-04-08T17:07:34+02:00March 16, 2022|Categories: Articles, Featured|
Bologna and the Rise of Medieval Universities: A Blog Post Thùy Dung Pham2022-03-14T12:03:14+01:00March 14, 2022|Categories: Articles, Featured|
Lessons from British Columbia’s Curriculum Revision Rebecca Jackson2022-03-11T15:49:00+01:00March 11, 2022|Categories: Articles, Featured|
Statement against the abuse of history and in solidarity with the people of Ukraine EuroClio2022-03-01T10:34:59+01:00February 27, 2022|Categories: EUROCLIO, Featured|Tags: Russia, Ukraine|
Historiana, A Playground for Students and Teachers Ilana Seelinger Hartikainen2022-02-18T15:56:48+01:00February 18, 2022|Categories: Articles, Featured|
The “Heritages of Hunger” Symposium Vassiliki Yiannou2022-02-11T13:55:37+01:00February 11, 2022|Categories: Articles, Featured|
From Constantinople to London Robin Garganese2022-03-01T10:43:21+01:00February 7, 2022|Categories: Articles, Featured|
Call for EuroClio Board Member Candidates EuroClio2022-02-28T10:42:39+01:00February 7, 2022|Categories: EUROCLIO, Featured|Tags: Board Candidacy|
The Wannsee Conference Robin Garganese2022-02-24T16:07:20+01:00January 27, 2022|Categories: Articles, Featured|Tags: ENRS, Holocaust, Holocaust Remembrance, Wannsee Confernce|
THE THIN LINE between propaganda and fake news: a blog post Birgit Göbel2022-02-24T16:18:46+01:00January 6, 2022|Categories: Articles, Featured|
Registrations for the Annual Conference 2019 are open! EuroClio2019-05-21T12:50:10+02:00November 2, 2018|Categories: Featured, Opportunities|Tags: Annual Conference 2019, Professional Development|