We are happy to announce that we have a new Secretariat Staff Member!

Ivan Milovanov has joined us for the position of the Project manager and will work on projects such as the Annual Conference, SENSEI, Seeking Justice and Historiana.

To get to know him better, we would like to give you some information about his background.

Ivan is bringing his expertise in non-formal educational design and a BSc in Psychology. He leads L&D projects, offline and online events, as well as those aforementioned.

Previously, Ivan’s notable contributions as an entrepreneur include co-developing the 4M Storytelling method, which integrates visible storytelling with collaborative design, educational city walking tours focused on history and remembrance, and contributing to Stories that Move, a blended-learning platform.

His approach to creating learning experiences blends innovation, psychology, and playful storytelling, with a focus on active citizenship, democratic values, critical thinking, history, emergent technology, and environmental and economic sustainability.


Welcome at EuroClio Ivan!