About the Manifesto
In 2013, EuroClio published its “Manifesto on High Quality History, Heritage and Citizenship Education: 15 principles for the recognition of the distinctive contribution of history to the development of young people.” Only three years later, and thanks to the efforts of our members, the Manifesto is available in fourteen languages! Here you can read and download the Manifesto in the language of your choice.
The Manifesto was unanimously adopted by the EuroClio General Assembly in 2014. The document is based on twenty-five years of working experience in the field of history, heritage and citizenship education and grounded in European policies related to lifelong learning, competency-based learning and twenty-first century skills (knowledge, skills and attitudes). Regarding competences, the Manifesto draws on the European Reference Framework.
Read the Manifesto in your own language
Is your own language not available yet, and would you like to contribute to translating the Manifesto? EuroClio believes it is important to provide educational resources and other documents in as many languages as possible. This enables educators with less English proficiency to access resources in their own language. If you would like to contribute, please contract our Secretariat (secretariat@euroclio.eu).
The Manifesto in a nutshell
High-Quality History, Heritage and Citizenship Education…
…does not attempt to transmit a single truth about the past. It deconstructs historical myths and stereotypes, and raises awareness on the fact that the past is perceived differently according to a person’s background. It addresses sensitive and controversial topics in history in a responsible way, and promotes long-term reconciliation in divided societies.
…recognises that its significance is related to current experiences and challenges. It introduces global perspectives and encompasses the multiple dimensions of the study of the past, and addresses a manifold of human values, beliefs, attitudes and dispositions. It embraces cultural, religious and linguistic diversity, and uses the “history around us” as a powerful way to convey a vivid understanding of the past.
…is based on competences, including cognitive, functional, personal, and ethical components. It contributes to develop key competences and fundamental thinking skills and concepts, as well as the ability to understand and analyze issues and events. It includes pedagogical and assessment strategies that enhance independent learning, motivation and engagement.