Enchanted by Gold: The Wereldmuseum Leiden’s Special Exhibition Elli Clerides2025-03-13T12:07:41+01:00March 13, 2025|Categories: Articles, Featured News, Reviews|Tags: Colonialism, Exhibition review, Gold, Restitution, Wereldmuseum Leiden|
Book Review: “Eurowhiteness: Culture, Empire and Race in the European Project” Lauriane Borsaline Rotté2024-10-16T14:55:50+02:00October 16, 2024|Categories: Articles, Featured, Reviews|Tags: Book Review, Europe, European Union, Identity|
Queering Historical Spaces: A Review of the House of Vineyard x The Willet-Holthuysen Museum Exhibition Zarah Drummond2025-02-06T17:35:23+01:00March 15, 2024|Categories: Featured, Reviews|
Book Review: “The History of a Small Town in Ukraine” Tamara Eidelman2024-10-16T13:24:31+02:00November 27, 2023|Categories: Featured, Reviews|Tags: Book Review, Ukraine, WWII|
Book Review: “A Village in the Third Reich: How Ordinary Lives Were Transformed by the Rise of Fascism” Joke Van der Leeuw-Roord2024-10-16T13:24:24+02:00November 17, 2023|Categories: Featured, Reviews|Tags: Book Review, Germany, WWII|
Book Review: “Beyond the Wall: East Germany, 1949-1990” Joke Van der Leeuw-Roord2024-10-16T13:24:10+02:00October 3, 2023|Categories: Featured, Reviews|Tags: Cold War, GDR, German unification, Germany|
Revisiting the European past: “Long live Freedom, Long live Equality, Long live Fraternity!” Sketches and memories of a democratic vision Ricardo Fernando Gomes Pinto e Chaves2024-09-11T15:07:24+02:00June 27, 2023|Categories: Featured, Reviews|Tags: House of European History|
“Millennial History” Podcast. A Review. Adam Dargiewicz2023-03-03T14:33:26+01:00March 3, 2023|Categories: Featured, Reviews|Tags: Millennial history, Podcast, Podcast review|
Book Review: “The Lost Café Schindler” Joke Van der Leeuw-Roord2024-10-16T13:24:00+02:00October 11, 2022|Categories: Reviews|Tags: Austria, Book Review, Holocaust, Jewish History|
Ukraine, a complex and difficult history Joke Van der Leeuw-Roord2022-09-05T12:34:13+02:00September 5, 2022|Categories: Featured, Reviews|Tags: Ukraine|
Fighting for Freedom, 200 years since the Greek Revolution Andreas Holtberget2022-08-22T14:53:08+02:00August 22, 2022|Categories: Featured, Reviews|Tags: Book Review, Greece, Greek Revolution, Ottoman History|
Book review: “A Queer History of the United States” Maayke De Vries2024-10-16T13:23:53+02:00June 15, 2022|Categories: Featured, Reviews|
Book Review: Andrzej Chwalba, The People of Poland at War: 1914-1918 Joke Van der Leeuw-Roord2022-02-24T16:12:48+01:00January 26, 2022|Categories: Reviews|Tags: First World War, Independence movement, Polish history|
Retelling the Holocaus: Time and the Comic Strip Form in “Maus” by Art Spiegelmann Giulia Verdini2022-02-24T16:38:40+01:00November 26, 2021|Categories: Articles, Reviews|Tags: Art Spiegelman, Comic Strip Art, Dealing with the Past, Holocaust|
“AfL: A secondary school perspective with Nicky Hagendyk (EAS) & Gwen Steel” – Podcast Review Rebecca Jackson2021-06-21T15:34:11+02:00June 21, 2021|Categories: Reviews|Tags: Assessment, history educators, Podcast|
Review: UnTextbooked, a student-led podcast Rebecca Jackson2021-06-16T10:10:34+02:00June 16, 2021|Categories: Reviews|Tags: history educators, Podcast, students|
Exhibition Review: “Nazipropaganda voor de jeugd, 1933-1945” – Nationaal Onderwijsmuseum Giulia Boschini2021-06-09T11:32:51+02:00June 9, 2021|Categories: Reviews|Tags: Exhibition review, Nationaal Onderwijsmuseum, Nazipropaganda|
Another Family’s Starting Over: The Resourceful Glass Family of Paris and New York James Diskant2021-05-24T08:08:44+02:00May 20, 2021|Categories: Reviews|Tags: Dealing with the Past, History education|
Book review: White Privilege: The myth of a post-racial society Alicia Rijlaarsdam2021-05-17T13:10:02+02:00May 17, 2021|Categories: Reviews|Tags: Book Review, Decolonising History, White Privilege|
Book review: Hard Questions – Learning to Teach Controversial Issues Matej Matkovič2021-05-07T16:05:34+02:00April 29, 2021|Categories: Reviews|Tags: Book Review, Controversial Issues, teachers|
Decolonising Literary Canons and Fostering Multiperspectivity through Fiction: why Nella Larsen’s “Passing” should be used in history education Giulia Verdini2021-06-29T07:01:48+02:00April 15, 2021|Categories: Reviews|Tags: Decolonising History, History education|
Book review: An almost forgotten European War Joke Van der Leeuw-Roord2021-01-14T08:58:00+01:00January 14, 2021|Categories: Reviews|Tags: Book Review, EUROCLIO Special Advisor|
Video Game Review: Red Dead Redemption II Anna Ivanova2020-11-05T09:51:54+01:00November 5, 2020|Categories: Reviews|Tags: American History, game review, Video games|
How can Assassin’s Creed be used in History Education? Fani Partsafyllidou2020-07-17T14:48:24+02:00July 16, 2020|Categories: Reviews|Tags: Digital education, Digital Tools|
Podcast review: Lies my teacher told me Cecilia Biaggi2020-06-22T07:42:15+02:00June 21, 2020|Categories: Reviews|
Video Game Review: Valiant Hearts, The Great War Elias Stouraitis2020-05-29T09:24:34+02:00May 28, 2020|Categories: Reviews|Tags: First World War, game review, Video games, World War One|
One-day free offer: Assassin’s Creed Discovery Tour Fani Partsafyllidou2020-05-20T17:07:36+02:00May 20, 2020|Categories: Reviews|Tags: Video games|
Video Game Review: Crusader Kings II Adrian Piecyk2020-04-29T16:36:14+02:00April 29, 2020|Categories: Reviews|Tags: crusader kings, game review, Games, Gaming, medieval history, Video games|
GetBadNews: an online game on Fake News Fani Partsafyllidou2020-04-16T14:47:36+02:00April 16, 2020|Categories: Reviews|Tags: Games, Gaming|
Podcast review: History Behind the Headlines Helen Snelson2020-03-09T12:40:42+01:00March 9, 2020|Categories: Reviews|Tags: David Keys, Podcast|
Rights for everyone! Agustin De Julio2020-02-20T16:01:13+01:00February 20, 2020|Categories: Reviews|Tags: Concert, Domela, Talma|
Review of Natives written by Akala Maayke De Vries2020-01-10T14:46:39+01:00January 10, 2020|Categories: Reviews|
Podcast review: A History of the World in 100 Objects by Neil MacGregor Helen Snelson2020-03-02T16:08:36+01:00December 4, 2019|Categories: Reviews|
New meaningful ways to remember? An approach from the Museum Klok & Peel Lorraine Besnier2019-11-21T13:45:30+01:00November 11, 2019|Categories: Reviews|
The 1619 Project: a very European history Maayke De Vries2019-11-06T15:11:30+01:00November 6, 2019|Categories: Reviews|
Visibility Matters: Queer History Maayke De Vries2019-10-04T11:03:57+02:00October 4, 2019|Categories: Reviews|
Sui Generis’ Pequeñas Anécdotas sobre las Instituciones: Art and youth culture under censorship Agustin De Julio2019-09-06T12:19:32+02:00September 6, 2019|Categories: Reviews|
‘The German War’, a book that sometimes makes you hold your breath Joke Van der Leeuw-Roord2019-08-19T12:21:50+02:00August 19, 2019|Categories: Reviews|
Veendammer Wind: at the crossroads of history, football, and music Agustin De Julio2019-07-04T13:41:16+02:00July 4, 2019|Categories: Reviews|
A Study into International Law Development that Reads as a Detective EuroClio2019-10-25T13:51:26+02:00October 25, 2017|Categories: Reviews|Tags: East West Street, Lviv, On the Origins of Genocide and Crimes against Humanity, Philippe Sands, Ukraine|
Big history reflected in City History, Haifa Before & After 1948 – Narratives of a Mixed City Joke Van der Leeuw-Roord2019-08-29T12:15:02+02:00October 2, 2017|Categories: Reviews|Tags: Big history reflected in City History Haifa Before & After 1948 - Narratives of a Mixed City, Book Review|
A Complex Story of an English Female Benefactor EuroClio2019-08-29T12:09:59+02:00October 2, 2017|Categories: Reviews|Tags: A Lady of Cotton: Hannah Greg Mistress of Quarry Bank Mill, Book Review, United Kingdom|
Book Review: Developing a culture of co-operation when teaching and learning history Paolo Ceccoli2019-08-29T12:42:39+02:00June 21, 2017|Categories: Reviews|Tags: Book Review|
Punishment as driver for Colonialism, Tsarist Siberia EuroClio2019-09-10T08:17:57+02:00February 22, 2017|Categories: Reviews|Tags: Book Review, Russia|
Two Very Different Jewish Family Histories: Oliviera and Schlesinger EuroClio2019-09-10T08:23:28+02:00January 23, 2017|Categories: Reviews|Tags: Book Review, Jewish History|
The German War, a Book That Sometimes Makes You Hold Your Breath EuroClio2019-09-10T08:26:49+02:00December 15, 2016|Categories: Reviews|Tags: Book Review, Germany, Second World War|
War Allies but Colonial Rivals: Britain, France and the Middle East Agustin De Julio2019-05-13T12:05:54+02:00December 8, 2016|Categories: Reviews|Tags: Book Review|
War Allies but Colonial Rivals: Britain, France and the Middle East EuroClio2019-09-10T08:30:47+02:00December 8, 2016|Categories: Reviews|Tags: Book Review|
A Comprehensive and Absorbing Narrative: Iron Kingdom. The Rise and Downfall of Prussia, 1600-1947 EuroClio2019-09-10T08:37:51+02:00December 6, 2016|Categories: Reviews|Tags: Book Review, Prussia|
Free Book to Download: Teaching History in the Secondary School EuroClio2019-09-10T08:57:15+02:00October 3, 2016|Categories: Reviews|Tags: Free Book|
Otranto 1480 – Deconstructing Myths EuroClio2019-09-10T08:53:48+02:00October 3, 2016|Categories: Reviews|Tags: Book Review, Multiperspectivity, Ottoman History, Research|
The Background of a Terror Hype: “Child Promise me that You Will Shoot Yourself” Agustin De Julio2019-05-13T12:06:24+02:00September 6, 2016|Categories: Reviews|Tags: Book Review, Florian Huber, Germany|
The Background of a Terror Hype: “Child Promise me that You Will Shoot Yourself” EuroClio2019-09-10T09:10:58+02:00September 6, 2016|Categories: Reviews|Tags: Book Review, Germany, Second World War|
Focus on Africa: “Congo: The Epic History of a People” Agustin De Julio2019-05-13T12:30:08+02:00July 26, 2016|Categories: Reviews|Tags: Belgium, Book Review, Colonialism, Leopold II, Rwanda, Zaire|
Focus on Africa: “Congo: The Epic History of a People” Joke Van der Leeuw-Roord2019-09-10T09:14:22+02:00July 26, 2016|Categories: Reviews|Tags: Belgium, Book Review, Colonialism, Congo, Rwanda|
Secondhand Time: A Book that Really Hurts Joke Van der Leeuw-Roord2019-09-11T14:19:06+02:00June 21, 2016|Categories: Reviews|Tags: Book Review, Soviet Union, Svetlana Alexievich|
Secondhand Time: A Book that Really Hurts Agustin De Julio2019-05-13T12:05:02+02:00June 21, 2016|Categories: Reviews|Tags: Book Review, Soviet Union, Svetlana Alexievich|