“Who Were the Victims of the National Socialists?” Project Update: Team Belgium Monika Lendermann2023-04-12T08:25:23+02:00April 11, 2023|Categories: Association, EUROCLIO, Project Updates|Tags: EVZ, EVZ Foundation, evz-vns, National Socialists, who were the victims of the national socialists|
“Who Were the Victims of the National Socialists?” Project Update: Team Bosnia & Herzegovina and Team Spain Monika Lendermann2023-03-16T13:17:30+01:00March 16, 2023|Categories: EUROCLIO, Project Updates|Tags: EVZ, EVZ Foundation, evz-vns, National Socialists, who were the victims of the national socialists|
A new EuroClio project: Who were the victims of the National Socialists? EuroClio2022-02-24T16:51:48+01:00November 10, 2021|Categories: Association|Tags: EVZ, Holocaust, National Socialists, Roma, WWII|