MOOC Audio for Students on Self-Directed Learning Jodie van `t Hoff2023-05-17T12:13:20+02:00May 17, 2023|Categories: Association, EUROCLIO, Featured, Project Updates|Tags: Audio, InnovationStation, MOOC, Self-directed learning, students|
MOOC Teaching the Holocaust: Innovative Approaches to the Challenges We Face Anna Ivanova2020-10-26T14:49:29+01:00October 26, 2020|Categories: Opportunities|Tags: MOOC, Teaching the Holocaust|
Sign up to pilot our new eLearning platform on remembrance education! EuroClio2020-06-29T08:26:02+02:00May 28, 2020|Categories: Opportunities|Tags: eLearning platform, MOOC, Remembrance Education|