History Teachers Association of Northern Ireland Launches! EuroClio2019-09-10T08:50:21+02:00October 5, 2016|Categories: Association|Tags: Northern Ireland|
Education Minister John O’Dowd Addresses #euroclio2016AC Jaco Stoop2016-03-24T15:38:13+01:00March 24, 2016|Categories: Project Updates|Tags: #euroclio2016AC, Belfast 2016, Northern Ireland, Reimagining Remembrance|
Successful Seminar on Conflict and Cooperation at Ballycastle on 19-23 September 2012 EuroClio2012-09-18T17:35:04+02:00September 18, 2012|Categories: Project Updates|Tags: Northern Ireland, On-site Learning, Seminar|