The Teachers’ Guide on Effective Online and Blended Learning presents practical strategies for designing lessons, finding useful sources, assessing students in online settings, engaging students in online settings, and the different methods and platforms available for teachers to use as part of their online and blended teaching offer.

It was developed as part of EuroClio’s project Online Teaching in the Visegrad Region, in cooperation with CEDIN, the German School in Prague, the Hungarian Historical Society Teachers’ Division, and the Pilecki Institute.

  • Helping all student answer challenging questions about the causes of historical events and developments
  • Action Research: projects as active methods to develop civic skills
  • How do we decide what we believe? – Helping students learn how to question beliefs and test claims to become more (self) critical and evidence based in their thinking
  • Augmentative Communication: the creation of visual vocabularies as a support in the study of works of art
  • The Other, The Different, The Identical