The Multicultural character of the Russian Federation is not reflected in the history education which has a strong Russocentric approach. History education provides no answers or understanding for the multicultural society in Russia, neither for the ethnic conflicts and tensions at hand. In this context, the EuroClio-MATRA project “Mosaic of Cultures” led to the publication of both a student book and a teacher book. It contains innovative and multicultural material with pedagogical and didactical recommendations and is ready to use for Russian classroom practice.

Download the full publication

Mosaic of Cultures – Teachers Book

Mosaic of Cultures – Students Book

Download individual chapters

Introduction  RU
1. Diversity in Unity  RU
2. A vast empire, or an empire of space  RU
3. The sides and the edge, how can I be with you?  RU
4. Roads and Fates  RU
5. The religious palette of Russia  RU
6. The City – unity of dissimilarities  RU
7. Conflicts and their resolution  RU
8. Dialogue of Cultures  RU
Glossary  RU

Part of the Project

Mosaic of Cultures

Funded by

Members involved

History Teachers’ Association of Moscow


Coordinators: Alexander Shevyrev (Moscow State University), Tamara Eidelman (Moscow High School).

Authors: Marina Erokhina , Liudmila Gatagova, Julia Kushnereva, Viktor Shapoval, Olga Strelova, Arthur Tsutsiev, Irina Ukolova, Svetlana Yalovitsyna.

Experts:  Alexey Feldt, Rauf Gizatullin, Viacheslav Jiburtovich, Taisiya Korepanova, Rumiana Kusheva, Ian Blair McKellar, Harald Frode Skram, Dean Smart, Evgueny Viazemsky.

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