The Guidelines for Teachers on Online and Blended Learning are part of Innovation Station: A new Approach Towards Online and Blended Education. It is a response to the challenges faced by both educators and students during the pandemic. It aims to include a wide range of best practices and aspects of online and blended learning. The guidelines are meant to offer support to educators with extensive online and blended learning teaching experience, as well as to educators who are completely new to the online teaching environment.

  • Augmentative Communication: the creation of visual vocabularies as a support in the study of works of art
  • The Other, The Different, The Identical
  • Silent Learning: the use of Quizzes to motivate and assess participation and learning in the classroom
  • Silent Learning: the use of small-group learning and sharing to ensure full participation in the classroom
  • Imagining a past that is no longer there: the use of interactive timelines