Historiana, EuroClio’s online alternative to a European History textbook, is a constantly growing platform gathering hundredth of resources about various topics and time periods. This virtual learning environment offers a flexible and well-suited approach to an ever evolving subject. It provides free historical content, ready-to-use learning activities, and innovative digital tools developed by a team of history educators from across Europe and beyond. Historiana’s development is informed by the EuroClio manifesto and seeks to provide resources that are complex and multi-perspective to promote critical thinking.

There are over 50 source collections available on Historiana and more than 100 eLearning activities. Below you can find some of the favourite resources of our network.

Here is a non-exhaustive list of material that is particularly appreciated and used by our network.

Historical Content

Teaching and Learning Content

  • Crossroads of Cultures

    This publication is made collaboratively by educators from Armenia, Azerbaijan, […]

  • Connecting Europe through History: Experiences and Perceptions of Migration in Europe
  • Active Learning for History and Social Studies Lessons

    The book “Active Learning for History and Social Studies Lessons” […]

  • Helsingor declaration
  • Finding the roots of your own past Making students familiar with migration history