This paper examines the recent contestations surrounding Cecil Rhodes at the University of Oxford. It provides historical context for the controversies and a detailed chronology of events relating to the contestations, focusing on developments in Oxford as well as discussions in the broader media landscape. The report describes the wide range of positions taken up with regards to the legacy of Rhodes in Oxford and their implications for approaches to memorialisation. It shows that the contestations are far from resolved and continue to resonate far beyond the specific question of one statue on Oxford’s High Street.

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  • Helping all student answer challenging questions about the causes of historical events and developments
  • Action Research: projects as active methods to develop civic skills
  • How do we decide what we believe? – Helping students learn how to question beliefs and test claims to become more (self) critical and evidence based in their thinking
  • Augmentative Communication: the creation of visual vocabularies as a support in the study of works of art
  • The Other, The Different, The Identical