Five connecting themes
The Project team was comprised of 11 historians from Macedonia of different profiles, elementary and secondary school teachers and scientists. They had set for themselves the task to elaborate an alternative program in history, but also an example of treating of teaching contents in the schoolbooks based on the aforementioned program. The goal of the Project is to point out the need of introducing innovations, but foremost in the approach towards history teaching. Having in mind all the factors of the modern and ideologically free teaching, it was started off from the very beginning i.e. with the creation of an alternative program.
The goal of the project is not to give a perfect solution for the promotion of history teaching, but to open up some new perspectives, which would assist the creators of teaching programs, but also the authors of schoolbooks in the adjustment towards the processes in history teaching that are for a long time part of reality in the biggest part of the European countries. The working principle promoted with this approach towards teaching is based on several elements: multiple perspectives, working with sources, critical thinking, but also the treatment of controversial and sensitive issues. These should produce students that are researching and thinking independently and are bringing their own conclusions. At the same time, it is expected that the Project would make its contribution in the overcoming of the ethnical separation, having in mind the multi-ethnical approach, the tolerance and awareness for unity promoted by it.
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Mire MLADENOVSKI, Team leader, History teacher, Primary school “Tihomir Mloshevski”-Skopje
Todor CHEPREGANOV, Prof.Phd. of history, Institute of National History
Katerina NAUMOSKA, Prof.Phd. of history, Institute of National History
Isamedin AZIZI, Assistant, Institute of National History
Besnik EMINI, History teacher, Secundary School”Zdravko Cvetkovski” – Skopje
Valentina STAMENKOVICH, History teacher, Secundary school ”D-r Pance Karagjozov” – Skopje
Harun REXEPI, History teacher, Primary school “Migjeni” – Tetovo
Ljupka HRISTOVA, History teacher, Primary School “Joakim Krchoski” – Skopje
Kenan ISENI, History teacher, Secundary school ”D-r Pance Karagjozov” – Skopje
Iljo TRAJKOVSKI, History teacher, Gimnasium “Josip Broz – Tito” – Bitola
Behar MEHMETI, History teacher, Primary school “Kongressi I Manastirit” – Skopje
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