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If you have taken part to online meetings, trainings, and courses in the last period, you might have found yourselves in a familiar situation: the host of the meeting starts with a short introduction of how the software works, and then during the meeting different websites or applications to engage the audience are used, and you are at a loss because you have never seen this obscure website in your life.

To avoid this situation, we have decided to host two sessions, in October, during which we will walk you through the programmes and software that will be used during the Conference. Participation in these sessions will be completely free. The two identical sessions (you don’t need to participate in both!) will take place on Wednesday 21 and 28 October, at 16:30.

Register in advance for this meeting:

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27th Annual Conference

The Technology Trial Sessions are part of the 27th EuroClio Annual Conference on Controversy and Disagreement in the Classroom. You can find more information on the Annual Conference, including the full programme, on the Annual Conference main page.

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October 21, 2020
4:30 pm - 6:30 pm
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