Multiperspectivity as a concept has become increasingly mainstreamed in history education across Europe. With multiperspectivity we use the definition offered by Dr. Robert Stradling in the Council of Europe publication ‘Multiperspectivity in history teaching: a guide for teachers’. We mean providing a diversity of sources and different perspectives on a certain issue, and having your students analyze how the different perspectives relate to each other and recognize that each perspective is part of something bigger: a more complex but also more complete picture.
At the end of this workshop, you will :
Understand the difference between memory and history.
Understand the factors that help explain why people assign different meanings to the same historical events.
Be able to apply various methods to explore these differences with your students in a way that respects their feelings and does justice to history.
Know examples that address historical inaccuracies, controversies, instrumentalisations and conflicts over the past in a thoughtful way.
Be able to help your students to define their own position and identity within the fabric of different memories.
This workshop is part of the Lest we Forget webinar series. You can find more information on the series, including a concept note and the complete programme, at this link.