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General Assembly
EuroClio – European Association of History Educators
30 April 2022, 14:30 – 16:30 CEST, Ferrara, Italy


Welcome and introduction

  1. Welcome and confirmation of the Agenda.
  2. Check official delegates.
  3. Approval of the minutes of the General Assembly 10 April 2021.

Finances & Board Reporting

  1. Certified financial report 2021 and background information by the Board Treasurer (page 28-50).
  2. Budget 2022 by the Board Treasurer (page 23).
  3. Report of the Audit Committee by a member of the Audit Committee.
  4. Presentation of EuroClio’s activities in 2021 by the Executive Director (page 4-20).

Discharge of the Board

  1. Approval of the annual and financial report over 2021.
  2. Approval of the budget for 2022.
  3. Discharge of EuroClio Board.

Official Procedures

  1. Appointing the Voting Committee.
  2. Re-Election of EuroClio Board President Lars Peter Visti Hansen
  3. Election of a new EuroClio Board Member.
  4. Election of an Audit Committee Member.
  5. Voting on applications for Associated Membership.
  6. Voting on the suggested amendment of article 6 (Exemption Procedure) of the Internal Rules.

Planning: 2021 and beyond

  1. Action Plan 2022 by the Executive Director.

Official Procedures

  1. Report of the Voting Committee.
  2. (If necessary) second round of voting.

Any other notified business

  1. Any other notified business.

General Assembly

A democratic association

EuroClio is a democratic association governed by an elected board. The Board of EuroClio is elected by the General Assembly, held each year at the EuroClio Annual Conference and made up of EuroClio member organizations. The Association is governed according to its Statutes and Internal Rules. The EuroClio General Assembly votes on the election of board members, internal rules and statutes changes, and general policy documents such as the EuroClio Manifesto.

Voting at the General Assembly

Full Member Associations who have paid their fee of the year that the GA is held, and Full Member Associations who are exempt from paying the fee in the year that the GA is held can vote. The number of votes each member has, ranging from 1 – 4, depends on the size of the Full Member Association. To determine the category of your association, kindly refer to the table on the left and the list of countries included in Appendix 1 of the Internal Rules.

Associate Members have no right to vote during the General Assembly, but have a say in network consultations to help set priorities for project fundraising and for the development of educational materials by EuroClio. The same rules apply for Individual members.


April 30, 2022
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