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Maarten van Alstein, Flemish Peace Institute

Why is it important that we learn to disagree with each other? How can we teach young people to disagree in a democratic and peaceful manner? Starting from concrete cases in classroom practice, the key note lecture will build on empirical research, democratic theory and insights from conflict transformation to make a case for conceptualizing the school as a laboratory for democracy. In this view, the school is seen as a place where students – through a wide diversity of methods ranging from dialogue to artistic practice – can explore their differences in a constructive manner.

The Keynote Lecture will be preceded by words of welcome from Steven Stegers, EuroClio Executive Director

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27th Annual Conference

The Keynote Lecture is part of the 27th EuroClio Annual Conference on Controversy and Disagreement in the Classroom. You can find more information on the Annual Conference, including the full programme, on the Annual Conference main page.

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October 31, 2020
2:00 pm - 3:30 pm
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