Addressing Competing Historical Narratives in a Diverse Classroom
November 27, 2020 @ 4:30 pm - 6:30 pm
Workshop by Gijs van Gaans, Fontys University of Applied Sciences
Are you aware how you construct historical narratives? Do you understand your own bias in organising and highlighting specific historic events? Do you understand how your students construct a historical narrative based on their own experiences in life?
In diverse classrooms some historical topics can be quite sensitive. Discussing these subjects may sometimes even lead to heated debates, where emotions seem to be more important than sound arguments based on evidence. In some cases the history teacher might be reluctant to address these topics, because they don’t know how to deal with these emotions. This workshops tries to provide tools, not only how to understand these emotions and the narratives behind them, but also how to incorporate them as an explicit element in your classroom while maintaining a safe learning environment.
About the Workshop Host
Gijs van Gaans (1976) studied history and religious science at the Radboud University in Nijmegen. He has taught history and latin in secondary schools. From 2009 onwards he has worked as a teacher trainer/ lecturer of didactics in history and religious education at Fontys University of Applied Sciences. His main interests are the development of a critical historical consciousness and developing skills that allow for inter-wordview dialogue
This workshop is part of the 27th EuroClio Annual Conference on Controversy and Disagreement in the Classroom. You can find more information on the Annual Conference, including the full programme, on the Annual Conference main page.