From 20-22 May Historiana editors Bob Stradling, Chris Rowe and Historiana trainee Jorien van Driel met in Edinburgh to work on the further development of the Historiana First World War module. The team worked on different content areas that highlight specific aspects of the WW1 and agreed on a strategy on delivering the content of the Historiana First World War Module up to July. The module will consist of several resources that can be used to teach about WW1 in a comparative and transnational way: the Multi-Stranded Timeline, TimeMap and the Multiperspectivity Video. More information can be found in the brochure.
EuroClio2014-06-06T12:52:49+02:00June 6, 2014|Categories: Project Updates|Tags: Europeana Creative (2013-2015), First World War, Historiana - Your Portal to the Past|