From 21 till 24 January 2016, members of the “Silencing Citizens through Censorship, Learning from Europe’s 20th-century dictatorial and totalitarian past” project team convened in a historical town Bologna. Instituto Parri was the co-organizer of this meeting together with EuroClio. The meeting was attended by Martin Liepach (VGD), Enrico Cavalieri (Instituto Parri), Maria Laura Marescalchi (Instituto Parri), Caroline Morel (APHG), Harri Beobide (IE), Jacek Staniszewski (IBE), Mire Mladenovski (ANIM Macedonia), Bisera Srceva (ANIM Macedonia), Vodli Zsolt (HTA Hungary), Jonathan Even-Zohar (EuroClio), Aysel Gojayeva (EuroClio), and Steven Stegers (EuroClio).
The meeting in Bologna was the first development meeting of the project and embedded in itself demonstration of the source materials concerned, piloting workshop for local teachers in Italy and management meeting. 27 participants from 9 countries took part in the piloting workshop. Below, there is a more detailed summary of each activity. Besides to several challenges encountered by the authors in the stage of collecting sources, the team members presented a Wide variety of source materials with rich context that allows comparative approach to the topic of censorship and life in totalitarian regimes (music, morals, consequences, legacy, etc). Next development meeting of the project will take place in Budapest where more complete source collections and learning activities have to be presented.
For questions, please contact Aysel Gojayeva (Project Manager).