The “History that Connects” Summer School was a regional summer school bringing educators and experts in history and cultural heritage from the countries of South East Europe. More than 70 people participated the training. The theme of the summer school was “Rethinking On-Site Learning to Find the Global in the Local”. It was organised by EuroClio in cooperation with all its regional Member Associations and the RCC Taskforce on Culture and Society. The event is considered to be a platform for capacity building, in-service trainings, networking and sharing of expertise. The training was important for targeting educators and experts who come from the countries that have been in conflict with one another. The event was also very important for EuroClio because for the first time a summer school was organised and carried out. A full report, including follow-up actions, is expected later in September, wheras a mini-documentary on the experiences of participants will come in time for the winter holidays. For more information, please contact Jonathan Even-Zohar (
EuroClio2015-09-04T10:44:02+02:00September 4, 2015|Categories: Project Updates|Tags: History that Connects the Balkans, Summer School|