Eight young history educators from the Balkans had the opportunity to participate in the EuroClio Annual Conference in Denmark , within the project ‘Rethinking History Education’. For most of them this was the first experience of a EuroClio Conference and for some of them of an international conference in general. This opportunity offered them a unique insight in the Danish educational system, and a chance to meet peers and colleagues from all over the world to exchange experiences and ideas and to establish new contacts. As a result the group showed interest to establish partnerships with teachers in other countries, and to explore opportunities for funding to participate in a conference of the American Historical Association in the United States.
The group met three times throughout the conference, partially guided by EuroClio Board member Mire Mladenovski, to discuss the next steps in the project. They discussed the outcomes of the kick-off meeting in Skopje for the regional website. Moreover, throughout the week the group filmed several programme elements and interviewed participants. This material will be edited into a short video they will present during the Annual Regional Summer School in August.