Between 29 September and 3 October 2013 EuroClio Director Jonathan Even-Zohar was in Sarajevo, Bosnia-Herzegovina to enhance the relations with EuroClio-HIP, the Bosnian Association of History Teachers. During these days he held fruitful meetings with the Embassies of Czech Republic, Qatar, Switzerland and Turkey. In order to foster wider Inter-Governmental support he also met with High-Level representatives of the Council of Europe, European Union, Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), Regional Cooperation Council (RCC) and the United Nations International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia. Moreover, positive talks were held at the Ministry for Civil Affairs, as well as with the Heinrich Boll Foundation, the Bosnian Youth NGO Munya and the Historical Museum of Bosnia-Herzegovina. Over the coming weeks EuroClio, together with the Bosnian Association of History Teachers (EuroClio-HIP) will plan common future steps to implement new teaching methods in the country. For more information please contact Jonathan Even-Zohar.
EuroClio2013-10-15T13:51:23+02:00October 15, 2013|Categories: Project Updates|Tags: Former Yugoslavia, History that Connects the Balkans|