The third Capacity Building and Curriculum Workshop within the EuroClio/OSI/UNAOC Program “History that Connects – How to teach sensitive Topics in Macedonia” will be held in Veles, Macedonia, 27-29 June 2012. Representatives from Kosovo and Serbia, as well as international experts from Ukraine and Scotland will actively engage during the workshop. The workshop is co-organized with the History Teachers Association of Macedonia (HTAM), and aims to:·
Present and discuss concrete examples of Integrated History Education in Macedonia, strengthen the
organisational and networking capacity of the Association of History Educators in Macedonia ·
Finalise the practitioners input into the action research report, supported by the Minister of Education of Macedonia, into challenges and solutions for Integrated History Education in Macedonia
Share experiences and challenges for international Education from Serbia, Scotland, UK and Ukraine
Strengthen the connections between different stakeholders in History Education
Bring together History Educators from different regions of Macedonia and activate the Association National Network.
A draft programma can be found here below. For more information please contact Jonathan Even-Zohar or Mirjam Zeilmaker, organizers from EuroClio·