On 28-30 April, the Country Coordinators of the EuroClio Programme History that Connects, met for two intensive days of thinking together about the next steps, in Istanbul, Turkey. On Saturday the 28th of April, during the first meeting, a discussion took place focusing on the next steps regarding the modules in development. It was decided that that all of the modules can be divided into four different categories according to theme. These four thematic categories are Assassinations & ResistanceEconomy, Everyday Life and Civil Wars. Furthermore, it was also decided that at the next seminar in Macedonia, the participants will be divided into groups of two (from different countries), with each group assigned to one module. On Sunday, the focus shifted to the more practical aspect of the meeting – assessing the work done so far in relation to the modules under development. Each participant was given a chance to show their progress since the last seminar (Pula) after which they would receive positive criticism and constructive suggestions about their modules. It was agreed that, due to the regional nature of these modules, the participants would provide their help when it comes to accessing archives of their country by colleagues from other countries. Throughout these two days, the participants generally showed a great deal of enthusiasm for the project as well as the motivation to work hard to produce quality material.