In 2000, while submitting the project, we wrote that Ukraine was one of the new states in Central and Eastern Europe that is building a new identity and a new position in Europe. School history was made a key topic in the Ukrainian process of nation building. This choice gave history also the position of the most politicised school subject.
In the project we looked into this role of history education with focus on contributing to stability and democracy in Ukraine, especially regarding the different regions and ethnic and linguistic communities within the country, but also regarding the relations with the neighbouring countries. The school history textbook, History of the Epoch. The Period seen through the Eyes of an Individual. Ukraine and Europe 1900-1939, which is the result of this project, mirrors these specific elements.
Such approach to history teaching puts high demands on the history educators and requires a high level of professional sophistication of those who teach. History educators therefore need professional organisations, which can act as agents of change. Independent Associations of History Educators, belonging to the EuroClio network, have in many countries in Europe proved to be able to act as effective initiators and multipliers of fundamental innovations in history education. NOVA DOBA, the All Ukrainian Association of Teachers of History and Social Studies had already shown similar capacities and this project therefore also focused on further strengthening this organisation. A strong NOVA DOBA would be a vital agent in the process of innovation and professionalisation of the Ukrainian history educators.
Project Aims
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- To create a shared responsibility and commitment for innovations in history education in Ukraine between the authorities, teacher training institutions, and the All Ukrainian Association of Teachers of History and Social Studies NOVA DOBA.
- To reinforce the professional qualities in the fields of history education and management of the Regional Association of Teachers of History and Social Studies NOVA DOBA
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- The School Textbook “History of the Epoch. The Period seen through the Eyes of an Individual. Ukraine and Europe 1900-1939.” Published by Publishing House Geneza, Kiev, Ukraine in 2004
- Innovation
- Official approval: The book received official approval by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine and is allowed to be used in every Ukrainian classroom.
- Educational nomination: The book was nominated by the publishing house Geneza as entry for the competition for the best educational and historical publication of the year 2004.
- Pedagogical Support through the Magazine Doba: The book is accompanied by a special edition of the magazine Doba (46 Pages).
- Development and Training Seminars
- Authors Development Meetings
- Editorial Team Meetings
- International symposium and seminar New History in a New Age: Innovative Approaches and Material on History Education organised in cooperation with the Ukrainian Ministry of Education and Sience.
- Wide dissemination of the school textbook and the teacher guidance
- A strengthened Nova Doba, the All Ukrainian Association of Teachers of History and Civic Education.
- A professionalized Centre for History and Civics Education
- Magazine on the learning and teaching of history: 5 issues of the magazine on the learning and teaching of history Doba were published during the project (1500-2000 copies of each) and disseminated information, ideas, material of the project and EuroClio activities.
- Improved relations with educational authorities and institutions
- Improved International Involvement and Network
Project Report PDF_English

“History of the Epoch. The Period seen through the Eyes of an Individual. Ukraine and Europe 1900-1939”
Available online in Ukrainian
[/su_list]Supported by

MATRA Programme
Project Managers
Joke van der Leeuw-Roord, EuroClio Executive Director
Huibert Crijns, EuroClio Project Manager
Local coordinators: Ms Polina Verbitska, Ms Iryna Kostyuk
Authors: Mr Andriy O. Osmolovskyi, Mr Yuriy S. Komarov, Mr Serhiy V. Bilonozhko , Mr Viktor O. Mysan, Mr Olexandr Zaytstev
Ukrainian Consultants: Mr Prof. Dr. Stanislav V. Kulchytskyi, Mr Prof. Dr. Yuri Shapoval, Ms Raisa Yevtushenko, Mr Prof. Dr. Olexandr A. Udod, Ms Dr. Tetyana V. Ladychenko, Ms Prof. Dr. Olena I. Pometun
Ministry of Education of Ukraine: Mr Dr. Pavlo B. Polyansky
International Experts: Ms Christa Donnermair, Mr Duncan Toms, Ms Julia V. Kushnereva, Mr Tony McAleavy, Mr Richard Dargie
History Educators: Ms Lyudmyla M. Mala, Mr Olexandr V. Starukh, Ms Lyudmyla I. Kalinina, Mr Olexandr A. Bilous’ko
Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs: Ms Meie Kiel, Ms Kateryna Bardadym, Ms Jos Uyterlinden
- All-Ukrainian Association of Teachers of History and Social Studies (Nova Doba)
- Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
- Anne Frank Foundation, The Netherlands
- Bulgarian History Teachers’ Association
- Council of Education of Lviv Region, Ukraine
- Danish History Teachers Association
- Geneza Publishing House, Ukraine
- History Department of the University of Kiev
- In-Service Teacher Training Institute of Bulgaria
- Institute of History, Ukraine
- Kyiv Institute of Internal Affairs
- Luhansk In-Service Teacher Training Institute
- Luhansk Pedagogical University Ministry of Education
- Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine
- Moscow History Teachers Association, Russia
- National Pedagogical University, Ukraine
- Netherlands Embassy in Ukraine
- Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs
- Scottish Association of Teachers of History
- Ukrainian State Forestry University
- University of Aberdeen, Scotland
- University of Reading, United Kingdom
- University of Vienna, Austria
- Zaporizzhya State University, Ukraine