This project aims to intensify the mutual integration of the population of Estonia, especially with regards to the Russian speaking group. The approach of this project runs on two parallel tracks. First to start an organised and guided dialogue between journalists, politicians, academics and teachers about the topic, and second to develop educational material for history and civic education, to train teachers how to use it and to provide it to as many schools and teachers as possible. The outcomes of the dialogue will be implemented in the educational material and the material will be assessed and discussed in the dialogue. The result will be an intensified public discussion and public awareness of the problem of integration and a balanced high quality approach for education which will be actually used in schools.
Project Aims
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- To provoke a wide and constructive public debate about the integration of society
- To promote mutual understanding and tolerance, and to battle stereotypes, prejudices and myths
- To provide history teachers with materials, tools and skills how to deal with the integration of society in the classroom
- To connect education, public debate and society on the topic of integration of society
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Educational material on the Integration of Society
Ca. 150 pages, 2000 copies. 2 languages (Estonian and Russian), Innovative and ready to use & with pedagogical and didactical recommendations.
Available online in Estonian and Russian:
Teacher training
300 history teachers and teacher trainers trained in different parts of the country
Materials and ideas of the project used by initial and in-service teacher training institutes
Every year new teachers are trained using ideas and materials of the project
Each school year more than 10.000 pupils will be educated with help of the materials and ideas of the project. This number will increase as more teachers will be trained every year.
Example of good cooperation and working for the future between Estonians and Russians.
Public debate about the Integration of Society:
Media, politicians, officials, teachers and academics involved
Increased public and political interest and attention for the topic
Improved circumstances and support to work on solutions to the problem
Strengthen the history educators network
A strong and active network of history educators in Estonia, uniting Estonians and Russian in a single organisation
Organised history educators able and willing to innovate
Critical and constructive approach towards the role of history and civic education in society
Continuity and strengthening of the international relations of the Estonian History Teachers Association in the EuroClio network.
[/su_list]Supported by

MATRA Programme
Executive partner:
EAS, The History Teachers Association of Estonia
Associated partners:
- The Textbook Research and Information Centre of the Baltic States, Lithuania
- Anne Frank Foundation, Netherlands
- High Commissioner for Minorities , OSCE
- Tartu University, Estonia
- Tallinn Pedagogical University, Estonia
- Integration Foundation, Estonia
- Ministry of Education, Estonia
- Ministry of Ethnical Affairs, Estonia
- Project Vera, Estonia
Local Coordinators: Eero Medijainen & Mare Oja
Authors: Mart Kand, Eda Maripuu, Sergei Teplov, Vjacheslav Zhiburtovich
Resourcers: Veera Korelskaja, Tatjana Michelson, Silvia Oispuu, Katri Raik, Reet Salu, Anu Toots
International experts: Roger Austin, Sue Bennett, Teresa de Seabra
International Observers: Evaldas Bakonis, Danguole Bylaite, Tatjana Koval
Dutch Embassy: Ms. J.M. van Vliet, Mr. Karmo Kroos, Mr. Tanel Matlik
Project Managers
Joke van der Leeuw-Roord, EuroClio Executive Director
Lieke van Wijk, EuroClio Project Manager