Member status
Full member
Norwegian Historical Association
HIFO – Den norske historiske forening
Founded in 1869, the Norwegian Historical Association (Den norske historiske forening), acronym HIFO, is today an organization with extensive and varied activities, serving the interests of professional historians in Norway. The association aims to promote historical research, encourage the teaching of history at all levels and strengthen the position of the discipline in the Norwegian society. 11 local branches of the association are set up all over Norway.
The association accepts as members history graduates and teachers who hold a history degree at university level. Others can be accepted as members after an evaluation by the board.
Among our members are:
- Historians employed by universities and colleges
- History teachers
- Historians in record offices, archives and museums
- Historians employed in historical research projects
- Historians in publishing houses, mass media, cultural administration etc.
- Graduate students in history
The tasks of the Historical Association are:
A national conference (Norske historiedager) is arranged anually through co-operation between the board and a local branch. The local branches arrange a number of seminars and social events each term. Post-qualifying courses are offered to history teachers. The association represents Norwegian historians in international bodies like the CISH or the committee for the Nordic history conferences. The Norwegian Journal of History (Historisk tidsskrift) is published under the auspices of the Association. Historikeren (Bulletin of the Norwegian Historical Association) is distributed to all members and a number of subscribers four times a year.