Member status
Full member
National Association of Young Historians of Moldova (ANTIM)
Asociatia Nationala A Tinerilor Istorici din Moldova
ANTIM was founded on March 20, 1997. The ANTIM is a public non-governmental, non-political, non-commercial association, which has the public benefit as a purpose. ANTIM activates on the base of the legislature in force of Republic of Moldova and on the base of its own statute. ANTIM is a national organization, which activates on the entire territory of Republic of Moldova with the right to open its branches through the whole country.
The aim of the association is to be the foundation of a forum where the young historians can express their professional interest, as well as promoting historical culture. The objectives of ANTIM are education of young generation in the spirit of responsibility for the cultural heritage and knowing history; familiarization of youth with the main problems of national and World history, with the methods and ways of investigation at the theoretical level, as well as at the practical one; facilitation of exchange of historical information through different activities; and the creation of the Information Centre INFOHIS with library focused on history.