Member status
Full member
Hungarian Historical Society Teachers’ Division
The Hungarian Historical Society Teachers’ Division is a longstanding civil organisation
dedicated to the improvement of secondary history education. The main activities of the
association consist of organising conferences, workshops and providing professional opinions
on the national regulatory documents.
The overall aim of the Board elected in 2017 is to support and facilitate the long-delayed
change of attitude towards History teaching in Hungary. We support the development of
competence-based, multiperspectivic, critical and democratic approach of both teachers and
To promote the aforementioned aims we have organised conferences, issued official positions
on the latest reforms of the Hungarian educational system and maintain a didactic online
journal titled ‘History Teaching’ which provides a forum for the professional discourse.
In the new educational situation, we have created an online guideline and collection of digital
teaching applications, websites and useful Hungarian archives, databases. At the moment we
are working on two new projects. Firstly, research in connection with the students’
Historical Thinking and a historical short movie creating competition for high school students.