North Macedonia
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Full member
History Teachers’ Association of Macedonia (ANIM)
Асоцијација на Наставници по Историја на Македонија (АНИМ)
HTAM (History Teachers Association of Macedonia) is created with the main aim to help in the process of modernization of history teaching in Macedonia. HTAM (History Teachers Association of Macedonia) is organized on voluntary base and all teachers from primary and secondary school same us a different profile of historians with an interest in the field of improving and modernization of history teaching in Macedonia are free to participate. Until now more then 50 teachers whose involved in different activities on national and international level. Except the President, Board of HTAM has 4 more members, which are elected for 3 years.
HTAM vision
HTAM think that the Macedonian educational system especially on the field of history teaching must be put under modification. Creation of network of responsible history teachers, who will deal with that, is their first task. Focusing on cultural, social and history of everyday live with special point on the positive links between different communities in Macedonia is our vision. Implementing of multiperspectivity us a part of teaching should be the tool for realization of that vision. HTAM considers that all that is possible to be achieve with developing of critical thinking and active learning. HTAM finds the observation that a “we and them” vision on society is becoming more dominant worrisome. All mentioned above give us an empty space for acting us responsible association and promoters of peace and stability across mutual understanding and cooperation with all other teachers in Macedonia and in the region. According to HTAM, the current curriculum is missing social, cultural and everyday history as well as multiperspectivity, whereas political and military history is overrepresented. The newest curricula give the opportunity to learn have to “own” national histories. HTAM tries to provide a meeting point. HTAM aims to help students “not just to now, but to understand history”. Teachers in Macedonia very rare use multiperspectivity, critical thinking and active learning methods in the classrooms, usually because they are not so familiar with that methodology. We have the same situation with critical thinking and active learning too. HTAM tries to promote these modern methodologies.
HTAM’s activities until now are connected with modernization of history teaching and establishing of network on national and international level. Some of themes are:
- 1999 become member of EuroClio
- 2000-2003 common project with Albania and Bulgaria “Understanding a shared past, learning for the future” with EuroClio
- Participation on different conferences, seminars and projects on national and international level organized by EuroClio, Council of Europe, SDRSEE, George Eckert institute and more.
- Playing us a resource persons, observers, experts on different events connected with history teaching
- 2007 national project “Retelling the history” with EuroClio
- Establishing of bulleting of our HTAM which is closed because of missing of financiers
- National project focused on students “Unity in diversity”