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Full member
History Teachers’ Association of Kosovo
Shoqata e Mësimdhënësve të Historisë së Kosovës
During ten years Kosova has started with important reforms in education system with the aim to reach modern European trends in education. For all subjects and classes new curricula have been drawn, also in history related subjects. New school textbooks are drawn and a considerable number of teachers are trained in using a new teaching methodologies. This was an important step towards what the History Educators in Kosovo are trying to achieve knowing that they have so much things to do. Education always has the need for new developments, to refresh the knowledge of both teacher and students.
The History Teachers Association of Kosovo was established as a result of reforms which took place in the Kosovo. The major goals of the Association are to take care about the history subject within the education system of Kosovo and to facilitate the delivery of practical advices and practices among the teachers of history subject. The History Teacher Association of Kosovo has applied to become a EuroClio Member aiming to cooperate and exchange experiences with other Associations and with other teachers from different country and during the General Assembly 2009 in Cyprus their application has been accepted.