United States
Member status
Associated Member
History Co:Lab
Got History
Founded in 2018, got history is a civil organization dedicated to both increasing demand and support for history education, and to ensuring that the history young people learn effectively prepares them as citizens of the future. Its four strategic focus areas are enhancing history pedagogy with learning science, supporting the emergence of learning ecosystems, activating youth as history-advocates, and advocating for history as necessary to the future of democracy.
With regards to learning science, got history sees the power of recent advances in learning science and technology to ensure that educators effectively use different methods of teaching to ensure learning success in all students. We are working with a broad coalition of education organizations to develop and pilot methodologies to more easily assess the impact of high quality learning models.
We develop history- and civic-learning ecosystems , providing the templates and collaborative spaces for schools, museums and libraries to collaborate more effectively so that all young people get the most inspiring and activating learning experiences possible. We host “history design labs” to co-create new inquiry-based learning experiences.
In order to magnify the voice of young people who are calling for more and more engaging history, we have incubated an award-winning youth podcast called UnTextbooked, connecting leading historians with diverse young people in conversation and a youth advocacy network for better history.
At its core, got history believes in the need for an alliance and broad international community of intent around ensuring that all young people receive the history they need to be informed and engaged citizens of the future. We host collaborative conversations and conferences to weave connections and effective collaborations.