Member status
Full member
Association of History Teachers of Germany
Verband der Geschichtslehrerinnen und -lehrer e.V.
The German Association of History Teachers, was founded in Marburg in 1913 and refounded in Munich in 1949. At the moment the Association has 3400 members who are spread over 16 subassociations in the single federal states and act autonomously, while the main body of the federal association has coordinating, initiating and stimulating functions.
The Association’s aims are focused on the support of History’s system, guaranteeing the scientific character of teachers´ training in Germany. The Association also works to take up debates in the field of historical-political education in order to contribute to the content-aspects of modernizing the subject of History.
The association`s activities comprise the publishing of the professional journal “History for Today. The Journal for historical-political education” (published by Wochenschau), the co-organization of the German Historians´ Symposium, international relations, as well as the organization of advanced training courses and the classical task of representing the interests of their subject and its teachers. A series of workshops have been founded since 2002 and funded by different foundations and institutions in order to serve VGD’s goal to contribute to the content-aspects of modernizing the History.