6 events found.
Project Based Learning and E-safety in the Online and Blended Learning Environment
OnlineHow can we apply project-based and problem-based learning to the [...]
SENSEI Webinar: Understanding Inclusion in Education
Join us for a webinar: "Understanding Inclusion in Education" When: [...]
Youth Workshop Seeking Justice: From Nuremberg to The Hague
*We are no longer accepting applications for this event. [...]
SENSEI Webinar: Co-Construction of Inclusive Practices
Join us for a webinar: "Co-Construction of Inclusive Practices" [...]
30th Annual Conference – (Be)longing: Confronting our memories
Sofia, Bulgaria Sofia, BulgariaWhat are the factors that make you feel like [...]
SENSEI Webinar: Making Marginalised Collectives Present in History Lessons
OnlineJoin us for a webinar: "Making marginalised collectives present in [...]