6 events found.
Transnational Meetings
Opening Up Historiana Kick-off Meeting
During this first transnational project meeting, project partners will introduce [...]
2nd Transnational Project Meeting for the Opening Up Historiana project
On 17-20 January 2019 the partners of the project Learning [...]
RETHINK 3rd Consortium Meeting
The 3rd Consortium Meeting is a closed meeting to reflect [...]
3rd Transnational Project Meeting for the Opening Up Historiana project
In “Opening up Historiana” EuroClio will involve more people and [...]
Bringing Digitised Heritage Closer to the Classroom
EuroClio's office Bankaplein 2, The Hague, 2585 EV, NetherlandsEuroClio is proud to launch our first ever cross-sectoral [...]