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Did you (e)meet colleagues that you hadn’t seen for so long, and would you like to catch up with them in private, without having to use the chat? Then, join our special networking sessions.

How does this work?

Throughout the Annual Conference, you can privately chat with other participants to the sessions and workshops, and agree with them to meet up in one of the three networking sessions that take place in December. Once you have agreed on the day that you would like to meet up, email us at alice@euroclio.eu or djoera@euroclio.eu. We will share the link to the networking session with you.

You can meet at anytime within the time slots that we have set up. For example, you can decide to meet at 17:15 on Tuesday December 1st. We will be there to let you in the meeting, and to set up a separate room for you and your colleagues to have a private chat.

If you would like to see who joins online, but have no set appointments, you can email us anyway, and we will let you in at the very beginning of the networking sessions.

The networking sessions will take place on:

  • Tuesday December 1st at 16:30 – 18:30
  • Thursday December 3rd at 16:00 – 18:00
  • Saturday December 5th at 15:00 – 16:30
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27th Annual Conference

The Networking Sessions are part of the 27th EuroClio Annual Conference on Controversy and Disagreement in the Classroom. You can find more information on the Annual Conference, including the full programme, on the Annual Conference main page.

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Interested in knowing more about the networking sessions?

Reach out to Alice at alice@euroclio.eu or Djoera at djoera@euroclio.eu


December 5, 2020
3:00 pm - 4:30 pm
Event Category:
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