“Money Matters: The Economic Value of Museums” in Karlsruhe, Germany
November 10, 2016 - November 12, 2016
From 10-12 November 2016 NEMO – the Network of European Museum Organisations – is holding its 24th Annual Conference “Money Matters: The Economic Value of Museums” in Karlsruhe, Germany. NEMO serves as a voice and network for museums and museum organisations throughout Europe providing them with information, networking and opportunities for cooperation.
The conference explores the wide spectrum of the economic value of museums. Looking at the different dimensions of the economic value, such as cultural tourism, job creation, regional competitiveness and development, cooperation and the creative industries, the conference will discuss how museums in Europe can best open up to the manifold opportunities and engage in cooperation with other sectors.
Different panels will discuss the positive economic impact that museums have on other sectors on the one hand, and sustainable and successful business models of museums on the other hand – keeping in mind different national funding and organisational structures.
Further information is available at http://www.ne-mo.org/about-us/ac2016.html or by following #moneymatters and #NEMOac16 on Facebook and Twitter!