ePACT National Event in Ohrid, Macedonia
November 4, 2016 @ 8:00 am - November 6, 2016 @ 5:00 pm
ePACT is an initiative of two civil society organizations with a proven track record in the field of education. EuroClio – and CDRSEE – Centre for Democracy and Reconciliation in South East Europe have worked for over 20 years in the region, providing opportunities for regional cooperation and promoting innovative and responsible history education. The initiative seeks to build on these experiences by building sustainable partnerships in the region for systemic change in education. Practitioners and policy makers benefit from intensified relation and cooperation as it strengthens capacity for both reform and implementation.
The Needs Assessment will be rolled-out online. To prepare for this, 6 national peer-training seminar in the 6 project countries (Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Kosovo, Montenegro, Republic of Macedonia, and Serbia) are organised. The main purpose is to communicate the main idea of the needs assessment study, to determine the survey methodology and also to address core concerns. The seminars will put these civil society actors in the position to promote participation in the survey and to collect a representative number of respondents per participating country.
November 4-6th, one such event takes place in Ohrid, Macedonia. The Ohrid training event takes place in the wake of a successful training in Montenegro in July. Read more about the Montenegro training here https://euroclio.eu/2016/10/education-partnership-advocacy-capacity-building-transformation-public-report/