Bringing Digitised Heritage Closer to the Classroom
March 3, 2023 @ 9:30 am - March 4, 2023 @ 2:00 pm
An in person train the trainer and networking event
EuroClio is proud to launch our first ever cross-sectoral networking and train the trainer event, which will take place in The Hague on 3 and 4 March 2023. The event will bring together practising teachers and cultural heritage professionals, to discuss the potential of digitised collections and their use in the classroom. We are looking for up to 7 Cultural Heritage Professionals and 3 teachers who wish to join us at the event!
About the event
In the past few years, we have had the chance to meet with many teachers and cultural heritage professionals and reflect on how can we best tap into the educational potential of GLAM collections, bringing them closer to the classroom. This is what we have learned (summarised to its core):
- Teachers are always searching for the perfect primary source that will help their students engage meaningfully with history, and find most of these sources in digitised cultural heritage collections, including via Historiana and Europeana;
- Cultural heritage institutes wish to better understand what is the educational value of their collections, and to bring it closer to teachers in a way that is easy to use.
Building on this awareness, and on the success of our first co-creation meetings with the Photoconsortium, we have decided to launch a training and networking event where we will bring together teachers and cultural heritage professionals to mine existing GLAM collections, creating high quality eLearning Activities and curated collections of primary sources that will be ready to be used in the classroom.
The Programme
The training will be hosted by Historiana Team Members Helen Snelson, Bridget Martin, and Francesco Scatigna, and will include:
- Sharing sessions, in which participants will explore their needs and wishes when it comes to accessing and creating quality digital learning materials
- Active workshops on how to create an eLearning Activity on Historiana and on what makes a high quality Source Collection
- Co-design sessions where teachers and cultural heritage professionals, together, will develop eLearning Activities and Source Collections using primary sources available in Europeana Collections or on already existing Historiana Partner Pages.
Concrete results
Concretely, the training will result in:
- A new (draft) Historiana partner page with at least one eLearning Activity and Source Collection, for all those participants who are new to the platform;
- At least one new Source Collection and two new eLearning Activities, for all those participants who already have a partner page on Historiana.
Technical information
All costs for participation will be covered by EuroClio
Who can participate?
We expect to welcome up to 7 cultural heritage professionals and 3 teachers from all across Europe. Please note that the Cultural Heritage professionals must be members of Europeana.
Although an asset, participants are not expected to have a partner page on Historiana prior the training, nor to be familiar with the platform.
For more information see the Concept Note.
How to join?
Unfortunately, we are not accepting further applications at this stage.
Contact Alice at alice@euroclio.eu.
- Start:
- March 3, 2023 @ 9:30 am
- End:
- March 4, 2023 @ 2:00 pm
- Event Categories:
- Featured - Event page, Project Activities, Transnational Meetings, Workshop
- Event Tags:
- Europeana, Historiana - Your Portal to the Past, Professional Development, Train the trainer
- EuroClio
- EuroClio’s office
Bankaplein 2
The Hague, 2585 EV Netherlands + Google Map