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22sn EuroClio Annual Conference and International Professional Development Training Course: Roads to Democracy
April 20, 2015 - April 25, 2015
Programme Highlights
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[su_tab title=”21 April”]
- Welcoming speech from the Mayor of Helsingør, Benedikte Kiær
- Key-Note Address on ‘Developing democracy, building welfare. The making of modern Denmark in the 20th century’ by Bo Lidegaard, Executive Editor-in-Chief at Politiken, the leading Danish daily
- Presentation: Challenges in Making History Education beyond Borders:
- “Shared histories for a Europe without dividing lines”, Tatiana Milko (Council of Europe)
- “Historiana, Your Portal to the Past”, Steven Stegers (EuroClio)
- Interactive Debate: Open societies – emerging from a conflicting past? Teaching and Discussing history, identity and citizenship in 21st Century Europe
- Parallel Workshops
[su_tab title=”22 April”]
- Key Note Speech: Prof. Antoon de Baets (Professor of History, Ethics and Human Rights at Groningen University, The EuroClio Chair for History, Ethics and Human Rights) on Democracy and Historical Writing
- World Café (including refreshments) – The “World Café” is a structured conversational process intended to facilitate open and intimate discussion, and link ideas within a larger group to access the “collective intelligence” or collective wisdom in the room. Participants move between a series of tables where they continue the discussion in response to a set of questions, which are predetermined and focused on the specific goals of each World Café. A café ambience is created in order to facilitate conversation and represent a third place. In some versions a “talking stick” may be used to make sure that all participants get a chance to speak.
The central topic will be: Challenges of Democracy and Civil Society and Identification of tools that History Education has developed to address these. What is the role of the history teacher in the rapidly globalising and evermore complex world? How does history education relate to internet and the wider (visual) information society? (Facilitated by EuroClio Board, Secretariat and Danish Organising Committee).
- Parallel Workshops
- International Pub Quiz: “Knowledge before Interpretation” moderated by Peder Kragh and is Jacob Lindgaard Nielsen (Danish HTA)
[su_tab title=”23 April”]
- Study Visits in small groups in and around Elsinore, including Primary and Secondary School, Adult Education School
- Political Café, hosted by conference participants on a variety of pressing issues of the moment (A political cafe is an informal meeting on a topic that is very actual and did not fit in the programme, which was made already months beforehand.) One of the proposed sessions: 70th anniversary of World War Two? With presentation by the Platform of European Memory and Conscience on Reader for Schools “Lest We Forget. Memory of Totalitarianism in Europe”
[su_tab title=”24 April”]
- Guided tour at the Royal Reception Rooms – Those rooms are used by the Queen and the Prince Consort for official occasions. They are richly adorned with forniture and works of art.
- Reception in the Danish Parliament, including guided tour on the history, Q&A with Danish Parliamentarians in different groups.
- Thematic city walks lead by history teachers with the theme ‘The roads to democracy: A city walk which takes you through stepping stones and decisive turning points in the history of democracy in Denmark from absolutism to the state of democracy today.’
[su_tab title=”25 April”]
- EuroClio General Assembly
- Departure from Konventum in the group bus (2 groups will be dropped by their museums of choice)
- Thematic visits
- Kroenborg Castle: Primary School Children in Hamlet’s fortress
- Maritime Museum (how to make young visitors curators)
- Technology Museum – Mass Media and Technology of the past for the digital natives of today
- Skibsklarergården – Museerne Helsingør
- Concluding session of full conference and ceremonial closure
[su_tab title=”26 April”]
- Departures
Organized by
In cooperation with
Sponsors and Partners
- Start:
- April 20, 2015
- End:
- April 25, 2015
- Event Category:
- Annual Conferences
- Helsingør
- Denmark + Google Map