EuroClio is a non-profit NGO and a registered association according to Dutch law. As a member-driven organisation it is led by a General Assembly, is governed by a democratically elected Board and run by a professional Secretariat. The General Assembly is made up of EuroClio member organizations which convenes each year at the EuroClio Annual Conference.

The Board has the overall responsibility for governing the organisation and to ensure wide and successful implementation of its core mission. The Board supervises the work of the Executive Director, who manages the Secretariat. Board Members are elected for 3 years and can be re-appointed for a second term. The Board and Secretariat work together in a Finance, Membership, and Policy Committee and meet at least 3 times a year.

Board roles include:

  • Working with the Secretariat and members to develop and deliver our vision, as envisaged in the 2020-2024 Strategy;
  • A supervisory role overseeing the Secretariat in a monitoring and accountability role;
  • Fundraising beyond the “traditional” public (at present mainly EU) grants;
  • Maintaining member relations and building individual membership.

The cooperation and division of responsibilities between the Board and management is laid down in a Management Agreement.

The roles and responsibilities of the Board are set in the statutes and further defined in the internal rules (by-laws). The management at the Secretariat has set a well-defined management grid, executes frequent performance reviews and involves staff as much as possible in key decisions, envisioning and contacts with membership.

  • Juraj Varga
  • Harri Beobide
  • Frank van den Akker
  • Ann-Laure Liéval
  • Bistra Stoimenova
  • Lars Peter Visti Hansen
  • Ute Ackermann Boeros