Mission and vision
Our Mission and Vision was recently revised and updated after the membership consultations in 2016 and 2017. The mission of EuroClio is to inspire and empower educators to engage learners in innovative and responsible history and citizenship education. The vision of EuroClio is for all learners to become more responsible and contributing citizens through engaging in history and citizenship education for mutual understanding and peace.
EuroClio supports the development of responsible and innovative history, citizenship, and heritage education by promoting critical thinking, multiperspectivity, mutual respect, and the inclusion of controversial issues. The Association advocates for the sound use of history and heritage education towards the building and deepening of democratic societies, connecting professionals across boundaries of communities, countries, ethnicities and religions. It seeks to enhance the quality of history and citizenship education through capacity-building for educators and producing and implementing innovative teaching tools.
EuroClio is a democratic Association that brings together other democratic associations at its General Assembly. This body adopts overall planning, elects and discharges board members and follows good governance procedures, which are governed by the EuroClio Statutes and Internal Rules.
One of the best ways to get an idea of our Mission and Vision is to read both the EuroClio Manifesto and the yearly Action Plan.