General Assembly EuroClio Association 2021
Saturday 10 April 2021, 16:00 – 18:30
Welcome and introduction
1. Welcome and confirmation of the agenda
2. Check official delegates.
3. Approval of the minutes of the General Assembly 4 April 2020.
Finances & Board Reporting
4. Certified financial report 2020 and background information by the Board Treasurer (page 25-45).
5. Budget 2021 by the Board Treasurer (page 18).
6. Report of the Audit Committee by a member of the Audit Committee.
7. Presentation of EuroClio’s activities in 2020 by the Executive Director (page 5 – 17).
Discharge of the Board
8. Approval of the annual and financial report over 2020.
9. Approval of the budget for 2021.
10. Discharge of EuroClio Board.
Official Procedures
11. Appointing the Voting Committee.
12. Election of two new EuroClio Board Members.
13. Re-election of one Audit Committee Member.
14. Voting on applications for Members Associations.
Interactive Session
15. Members services and needs.
16. Member recruitment.
Official Procedures
17. Report of the Voting Committee.
19. (If necessary) second round of voting.
Planning: 2021 and beyond
19. Announcement of the new President and new Vice-President.
20. Action Plan 2021 by the Executive Director.
Any other notified business
21. Any other notified business
Annex 1: Agenda General Assembly 2021
Annex 3: Minutes General Assembly 2020
Annex 4: Certified Financial Report 2020
Annex 5: Budget 2021
Annex 7: EuroClio’s activities in 2020
Annex 12: Candidates Board Member
Annex 13: Re-election of one Audit Committee Member
Annex 14: Applications for Membership
Annex 20: Action Plan 2021