EuroClio is a non-profit NGO and a registered association according to Dutch law. As a member-driven organisation it is led by a General Assembly, is governed by a democratically elected Board and run by a professional Secretariat. The General Assembly is made up of EuroClio member organizations which convenes each year at the EuroClio Annual Conference.
The Board has the overall responsibility for governing the organisation and to ensure wide and successful implementation of its core mission. The Board supervises the work of the Executive Director, who manages the Secretariat. Board Members are elected for 3 years and can be re-appointed for a second term. The Board and Secretariat work together in a Finance, Membership, and Policy Committee and meet at least 3 times a year.
Board roles include:
- Working with the Secretariat and members to develop and deliver our vision, as envisaged in the 2020-2024 Strategy;
- A supervisory role overseeing the Secretariat in a monitoring and accountability role;
- Fundraising beyond the “traditional” public (at present mainly EU) grants;
- Maintaining member relations and building individual membership.
The cooperation and division of responsibilities between the Board and management is laid down in a Management Agreement.
The roles and responsibilities of the Board are set in the statutes and further defined in the internal rules (by-laws). The management at the Secretariat has set a well-defined management grid, executes frequent performance reviews and involves staff as much as possible in key decisions, envisioning and contacts with membership.
- About
Ute Ackermann Boeros
Ute Ackermann Boeros
She moved to Cyprus where she has been teaching History at various private schools. In 2012, Ute earned a Masters of Arts in International Relations, and in 2017 she completed a PGCEi from Nottingham University. During her teaching career, she has taught History at a variety of levels covering a wide variety of topics. Currently, she is teaching History and TOK at the IB Diploma level with a focus on 20th century History at the American International School in Nicosia, Cyprus. Since 2017, she is also the Department Head for Social Studies. The school is inclusive and more recently the focus of her work has shifted increasingly to curriculum development and creating inclusive, concept- and inquiry-based teaching resources. She is also co-ordinating the High-School Student Council which includes a strong commitment to service activities to the local and wider community. Apart from teaching in the classroom, over the years she has been increasingly involved with EuroClio, participating in a variety of projects and training events. - About
Ann-Laure Liéval
Ann-Laure Liéval
Ann-Laure Liéval graduated from Artois University (Arras, France) with a Master in Ancient Greek History, and prepared (and passed) the Agregation externe d'Histoire in 2003 in Lille University (France). She has been teaching History, Geography and CLIL in Lycee Fenelon, Lille, a high school with European classes since 2005, after a year as a teacher trainee in Tours. She did some teacher trainings in Scotland (Ayr) and England (Cambridge and Norwich). She is also a member of APHG (French national Association of History and Geography teachers), which is a member of the EuroClio network, and that is how she became involved with EuroClio and helped organized the 2018 Annual Conference in Marseille. She is now also teaching in Sciences Po Lille (Undergraduate college 1st year) and also at Lille university for future teachers, as a member of CAPES externe History and Geography (teaching contest) jury. Her current projects with EuroClio are: Learning to disagree and In Europe with VPRO. - About
Frank van den Akker
Frank van den Akker
Frank van den Akker (the Netherlands) brings a wealth of international experience in senior positions as well as a considerable international network, having served Shell for over 30 years. He worked across Europe throughout his career and was based in Asia for many years. Nowadays, he runs social-entrepreneurial activities in parallel to an advisory practice, focusing on corporate governance and management as well as international relations. Frank currently holds a number of executive and non-executive board positions, predominantly for not-for-profit organizations and NGO’s. Though an outsider in history teaching, some of the board roles he is holding are in Education. He joined the EuroClio Supervisory Board early 2016, with main focus on financial and governance matters as well as international relations. Frank is also holding a position on the board of the Dutch National Association of Board Directors, the board of the Dutch National Register and is a member of the European Governance Policy Committee of the European Confederation of Directors Associations, based in Brussels. - About
Lars Peter Visti Hansen
Lars Peter Visti Hansen
Lars Peter Visti Hansen studied at Roskilde University in Denmark, Middlesex University in London and Université des Sciences Sociales in Grenoble, France. He has been an upper secondary History and English teacher at Frederiksborg Gymnasium and HF in Hillerød, Denmark since 1992 and has written and co-authored textbooks about The Crusades, Islam and Christianity in the Middle ages, as well as European and World History. In addition to publishing textbooks, he also works on improving the effects of teaching through teaching materials and methods and is actively involved in the Danish History Teachers Association. His most recent book, a textbook on British history, is titled ‘Great Britain – from Britannia to Brexit’. In addition to this Lars arranges courses for Danish upper secondary History teachers and is a censor at Danish universities. Lars has been involved in EuroClio annual conferences since 2017, where he became inspired by the contact with and inspiration from other history teachers. He is especially interested in the way that background and national perspectives influence the perception of history. He is interested in understanding these different perspectives and historical traditions, which he views as particularly important in recent times of populism and nationalism. Lars has been president of Euroclio since 2021. - About
Harri Beobide
Harri Beobide
Harri Beobide graduated from the University of Deusto in Modern History. She worked as a secondary teacher in Andoain Ikastola and Jesuitas school, and teached in the Master’s Degree in Secondary teacher-training courses at the University of Mondragon and the University of the Basque Country. She currently coordinates and participates in creating Social Science, History and Geography school-materials of Ikastolen Elkartea in Basque and English for Secondary, within a competence-based curricular framework. She also teaches and delivers in-service training to teachers of the same network. She has participated in diverse local and European conferences about CLIL-based approach, and is an active member of EuroClio, taking part in various Seminars and Conferences, organising with Euroclio the 2017 Annual Conference in Donostia-San Sebastian. She also took part in the creation of learning activities for Historiana within the project Silencing Citizens through Censorships, in the edition of activities for the Strategies for Inclusion project and lastly in the Victims of National Socialism Place Based Project. She is also involved in the pedagogical aspect of the “In Europe” project within the Euroclio and VPRO and is part of the new SENSEI project for a more sustainable and inclusive school education. She has recently been elected as a board member of Euroclio. - About
Bistra Stoimenova
Bistra Stoimenova
Bistra Stoimenova is chair of Bulgarian History Teachers Association, teacher trainer and lecturer in Department of Information and In-service Teacher Training at Sofia University. Her professional interests are in Modern history, multiperspectivity and multicultural education, civic education, CLIL / EMILE approach, the use of ICT and digital environment in history teaching as well as active strategies for learning. She had many publications in the field of education, methodology of teaching history, civic education and foreign language learning (FLE, Français Langue Étrangère). Bistra is also chief editor of Bulgarian HTA Journal The Dialogue in the History. Within EuroClio, she has taken part in many EuroClio activities and projects: "Understanding a Shared Past, Learning for the Future (Innovative Teaching Materials for History Education in Albania, Bulgaria and Macedonia)" (2000-2003), "European Dialogue, a Cultural Rainbow for the Future, An Inclusive and International Approach for the Learning and Teaching of History in Bulgaria" (2006-2009), "Teaching ‘Europe’ to Enhance EU Cohesion" (2015-2016), "Decisions and Dilemmas 3" (2018), "Learning to Disagree" (2018-2020). - About
Juraj Varga
Juraj Varga
Juraj, trained as educator and historian, focuses on development of learning and teaching materials and development of teacher training programs on regional, national and European levels since 2014. Juraj loves to work with teachers and for teachers, support them and to create professional development opportunities for them. He founded the NGO Centre for Education and Innovations in Slovakia in 2017 and acts as its Chairman, cooperates with The Institute for the Study of Totalitarian Regimes (Czechia) on teaching about state socialism and acts as one of three Pedagogical Advisors for Holocaust as a starting point, teacher training program running in 26 countries around Europe by Mémorial de la Shoah (France). Juraj harvests data and researches about the use of the materials and programs developed. He is highly interested in communication, memory and propaganda studies, psycholinguistics and sociolinguistics. At EuroClio, he has been active in various projects: "Learning to Disagree", "Online Teaching in the Visegrad Region", "Sharing European Histories", and most recently, "Who were the victims of National Socialists?".