The Université Catholique de l’Ouest (UCO) Angers, France, organizes an international, bilingual (English and French) conference, in collaboration with the International Association for Intercultural Education (IAIE), and with the support of the Korean Association for Multicultural Education (KAME). The conference is titled “Education theory and practice in challenging times: cultivating an ethos of social justice, respect and diversity” and will take place in Angers from 13 to 16 June, 2017. For this event, a call for papers is open.
The overall focus of the international conference is the interaction between different actors in society at a time when social and political developments across the globe challenge the very fabric of multicultural societies of today.
The conference aims to create an active and open forum for all who are connected to intercultural education and related fields, including theorists, practitioners, and students. The forum is organized under a series of strands.
This series consists of the following six strands: diversity in education; diversity in the workplace; migration and mobility: policies and practice; diversity in the media and arts; social justice in education, health, and the workplace; and religious diversity and extremisms.
For each of these conference strands, the organizers are accepting proposals in the following categories:
– Papers and posters on research in intercultural education and related fields
– Papers and posters on intercultural educational experiences and/or pilot-projects
– Book and audio/video presentations, particularly on didactical material relating to intercultural education and related fields
– Art objects, theater and circus performances, films, et cetera
– Adaptive e-learning tools and WEB 2.0 based learning and teaching tools
Proposals should be submitted by 15 March, 2017. This can be done in either English or French via the conference website. Here you can also find more information on this call for papers, as well as on registrations for the conference.