Written and Audiovisual Primary Sources
March 12 @ 5:00 pm - 6:00 pm
Written and Audiovisual Primary Sources is the second webinar in the webinar series Thinking Routines in History Education. In order to see a full overview of all webinars in this series, please follow this link.
Project Zero (PZ) is an initiative developed by the Harvard Graduate School of Education. You can learn more about what Project Zero consists of here.
Project Zero (PZ) encourages the use of thinking routines that can greatly enhance the study of primary sources in history education. By using these routines, teachers will help students to engage deeply with primary sources, going beyond surface-level observations to critically analyse historical documents, artefacts, or images. In this session, participants will learn how this approach could help students to develop inquiry skills by encouraging them to question the context, purpose, and perspective of the sources. They will also see how Projecct Zero fosters collaborative discussion, enabling learners to build interpretations and make connections to broader historical themes. In this way, Project Zero routines make primary sources more accessible and meaningful, supporting students’ historical thinking and understanding.
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