International Research Association for History and Social Sciences Education (IRAHSSE) in collaboration with the Société des professeurs d’histoire du Québec (SPHQ) organise 7th Conference on “Teaching and learning history and the social sciences in relation to minorities-majorities dynamics in a national context” will take place on October 15-17, 2020 in Trois-Rivières, Québec.

Focus questions of the conference are:

How does the teaching of humanities and social sciences reconcile with contrasting national contexts characterized by situations of great cultural diversity marked by the presence of minoritized groups? What is the contribution of history and the social sciences to this question? What pedagogies are put in place to implement school curricula and how do they advance teaching around such a sensitive question?

This conference is organised around three axes:

  1. Emerging Challenges characterising majority-minority situations
  2. Aims, curricula, teaching practices and teaching materials
  3. Actors, Teachers, students and other members of the educational community, through the prism of multiple identities in different national contexts


For more information about conference click here

For the application form click here

You can send your proposal before November 15, 2019 to