This question was at the heart of a plenary presentation given by Steven Stegers (EuroClio Programme Director) at the EUscreen Conference 2015 that took place in Warsaw from 3-4 December 2015. The findings of a 2015 EU commissioned study show that most teachers say that the teaching of film literacy is an “uncommon and sporadic practice”. This is in stark contrast with the fact that moving images, such as film, have a major impact in the way (young) people perceive history. The presentation used lessons learned from the partnership that EuroClio has with the EUScreen consortium on the creation of learning activities for history that make use of audiovisual archival materials (3 exemplar learning activities will be published in the new year). The presentation showed what can be gained by using these materials in history education, and made the obstacles that stand in the way of the use and re-use of these materials explicit. Please visit National Audiovisual Institute’s conference website for information about the programme, or visit the EUscreen conference blog.
Jaco Stoop2022-04-29T17:12:24+02:00December 24, 2015|Categories: Association|Tags: EUscreen, EUscreen Conference 2015|
About the Author: Jaco Stoop
Network Coordinator at EUROCLIO.