Critical Thinking in the Age of Emoji’s: Does History Education Play a Role for Media Literacy?
February 2, 2018
Fake News. Echo Chambers. Viral Posts. Society looks at Education to help student navigate this “brave new world”. Citizenship is seen as the place to deliver Media Literacy. But Maybe History can Play a Role? The Digital Age has after all brought a lot of tools to the history educators, including easy access to billions of sources…How to choose? What to do? What to teach?
Are you an educator, or otherwise professionally interested and curious about these questions?
Join us on 2 February in Hilversum at a One-Day Conference about these issues.
The event is part of the “Media and History” Erasmus+ project. Students in Europe are exposed to history in various ways: By talking with family and friends, by watching TV and movies, by listening to music, by playing games, by following public debates. All these factors influence the way students look at history. Without critical attitudes and understanding of how history is being made, students simply echo these ideas. The fact that more and more of this expose to young Europeans – being digital natives – is happening through means, is not reflected in the way history is generally being taught. In the “Media and History” project specialists in history and media education from Hungary, Italy, Poland, Slovenia, Spain, The Netherlands and United Kingdom work together to encourage history educators to use multimedia resources to help students become more media literate. Students will use digital tools to make their own presentations of the past, better realise that historical (re)presentations are not exact copies of the past, and improve their research skills (in making judgments about the reliability of information they find online).
[su_tabs class=”become-a-member”] [su_tab title=”Parallel Workshops by International Trainers”]
- Yulia Kusnereva, Moscow Gymnasium 1567, History teacher (Russia)
“Struggling with media titles and images”
Content of the workshop will be announced.
- Daniel Bernsen, IGS Pellenz, History teacher (Germany)
“Potentials of collaborative working for the history classroom”
In this workshop, participants will discover the difference between co-operative and collaborative working. Etherpads and wikis are presented as tools for collaborative working in the history classroom. Participants will have the opportunity to try the tools by themselves and discuss their usefulness, potentials and limits for history learning.
- Alexander Cutajar, University of Malta, History teacher (Malta)
“Now playing (in a classroom near you): Teaching history students how to be critical when analysing media content”
This workshop will focus on historical sources in the form of media footage from the Cold War and how these sources can be used to create teaching strategies to see what questions history teachers may ask in order for students to (a) be critical of the content; (b) judge the reliability of online information; and (c) use them as evidence. Participants will have time to discuss ideas, and share experiences and concerns about being critical with media broadcasts in history lessons.
[/su_tab] [su_tab title=”Parallel Workshops by Dutch Experts”]
- Chris van Hall, Nieuws in de Klas
Chris van Hall will give a workshop in Dutch on how newsletter articles can be used in classrooms to introduce students to the use of media and help them understand these media sources. He will also show ways in which teachers can use these media sources for free in their own classrooms. - Gonnie Eggink, teacher in journalism at Windesheim College
Gonnie Eggink will use her expertise in journalism to demonstrate in an active workshop how media sources can be evaluated. She will show the results of her research and work together with participants on ways to use media sources in history classrooms. - Stefan Rops, history teacher and vlogger
History teacher Stefan Rops will give an on-hands workshop on the ways vlogs can be used to make history more interesting and interactive for students. He has an extensive expertise in the making of history-related vlogs which will be presented at the workshop.[/su_tab]
This Event is a Part of
Hosted By
- Date:
- February 2, 2018
- Event Category:
- Thematic Seminars